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The Details Hidden On Sansa's Costume In The "Game Of Thrones" Finale Will Actually Make You Emotional

Game of Thrones costume designer Michele Clapton is nothing short of brilliant.

Hello fellow Game of Thrones fans. The end of the biggest show ever may have come and gone, but that doesn't mean we can't keep talking about it!

Now, there are always a lot of cool details in Game of Thrones. But we REALLY need to talk about Sansa's final look as Queen in the North in Season 8, Episode 6, "The Iron Throne." Because it was 🔥🔥🔥.

But quickly, before we get into Sansa's actual outfit, it's also important to note that this scene was the first time we've seen her hair fully down and unstyled/au natural.

She never wears her hair down. Sansa has always used her hair to look like the people she's trying to emulate, as well as trying to communicate non-verbally. By wearing her hair down, I feel like she's showing that she's her own person and she can speak for herself now

Because, throughout the show, Sansa's more elaborate hairstyles mimicked others.

But in her final scene, Sansa was just herself — and this takes on even MORE meaning when you consider all the details of her final look. As Tumblr user purplefloofs pointed out, it looks like Sansa was inspired by none other than her family in the end:

Here's a breakdown...

The weirwood leaves represented Bran.

The one-sided cloak was for Arya.

The scaly pattern of the arm was her mother, Catelyn Stark (née Tully).

The black of the cloak was Jon.

While the tufts of black fur and unruliness of the cloak was Rickon.

The crown was Robb.

The sewing needle was herself.

And finally, the color of her gown was gray to honor her father’s house and her entire ancestry.

So yeah, Sansa, Queen in the North, ended the show fully honoring those she loved the most...her family.

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