17 Of The Saddest Things That Have Ever Happened To Pizza

    You wanna pizza me?

    1. When this pizza was topped with apple sauce...then slapped together and eaten "like a sandwich."

    2. When this pizza arrived with more cheese on the box than the actual pizza.

    3. And when this pizza arrived with basically a "side" of toppings.

    4. When this pizza was topped with two things that definitely don't belong on pizza (let alone together): mayo and peas.

    Peas and mayonnaise pizza?! Yes please

    5. When these pizzas were carried home on their side. ON. THEIR. SIDE.

    Only a serial killer would carry pizzas like this

    6. When this pizza spent more time on the floor than it did in the oven.

    7. When this pizza was SUPPOSED to look like a jack-o'-lantern, but...

    8. When this candy corn pizza was birthed by the antichrist.

    Twitter: @TheRealAsswolf

    9. And, speaking of candy, when this pizza was turned into a "peepza."

    Peeps Pizza.... Yum or Yuck? #lunch

    10. When this pizza was given one topping and one topping ONLY.

    11. Oh, and when this one was topped with mushrooms, pineapple, and...BANANA AND SWEETCORN?!?!

    12. When this sad pizza doubled as a strawberry and pineapple fruit salad.

    13. When this pizza was completely forgotten about and burned beyond recognition.

    14. When this pizza was topped with kiwi, thus making it completely inedible.

    15. When this pizza was topped with "wet" tuna and hot sauce.

    16. When this pizza was partially eaten and put back (and also placed on a trash can?!).

    17. And finally, when this pizza was turned into a "pizzabomination" — ground beef, cheddar cheese, and bacon sandwiched between two pizzas.