Here Are A Bunch Of Cool Details You Maybe Missed In The "It Chapter Two" Teaser

    The movie theater in Derry is closed in present day. :-(

    Warning: mild spoilers ahead.

    1. The name on the apartment door still says "Marsh" (Beverly's last name) even though someone else (the old lady) is living there now.

    2. The love letter/postcard Ben gave to Beverly apparently got torn up (then taped back together) between the first movie and this one.

    The last time we saw the post card, Beverly's dad was confronting her about it.

    3. There are six flies on the window here — it's possible they represent the six members of the Losers' Club we see in the Chapter Two trailer.

    4. The way the old woman creepily smiles and stares at Beverly is eerily similar to the way another old woman smiles and stares at Ben in It.

    5. The "Pennywise the Dancing Clown" cart in the old woman's photo of her dad (who looks like Pennywise) can also be seen in one of the old books Ben was looking at in the first movie.

    6. Beverly is attacked by the old woman in the same room her father attacked her in back in It.

    7. The large sewer tunnel the Losers' Club walks by in the trailer is the same one from the beginning of It.

    8. And this train bridge is the same one they walked by after getting into a rock war with the Bowers Gang.

    9. The movie theater in Derry is closed in present day. :-(

    10. And you can see there are new "MISSING" kids posters around town again.

    11. Bill is still into flannel shirts.

    12. And Richie still likes ~cool~ Hawaiian shirts.

    13. The Paul Bunyan statue in downtown Derry has gone through a major makeover.

    14. However, the town square stage looks basically the same.

    15. And finally, Pennywise has blue eyes in this last shot...just like when he was ~charming~ Georgie.

    It Chapter Two opens Sept. 6 and I am sooooo ready!

    In case you want to rewatch it, here's the teaser trailer:

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