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17 Little Moments You'll Understand If You're Secretly An Asshole

"I didn't want to do a stop and chat."

1. When some jerk decides his car needs more than one space:

2. When a casual acquaintance wants to make unnecessary small talk:

3. When doctor's office policies completely baffle you:

4. When someone uses unnecessary ocular protection indoors:

5. When another casual acquaintance wants to get more chummy than necessary:

6. When someone's positive attitude just straight-up pisses you off:

7. When people sitting on an end seat make YOU feel bad:

8. When your ~very important~ TV-watching gets interrupted:

9. When you know the real truth behind a stupid argument:

10. When you want to police even the most mundane of situations:

11. When you have to explain why being single is kind of the best:

12. When you really DGAF about ~fancy~ things:

13. When you question how people are OK with defiling other people's property:

14. When you wonder why you're even there:

15. When people are trying to get away with some bullshit:

16. When even your friends are beginning to annoy you:

17. And finally, when you realize just being around people altogether is terrible: