The Outtakes From Melissa McCarthy’s “SNL” Sean Spicer Sketch Are Even Funnier Than What Aired

    "Good thing is nobody knows we're shooting."

    As you all know, Melissa McCarthy is a true comedy gift to the world.

    And her latest Saturday Night Live appearance as White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer caused a lot of excitement in New York last week.

    And if you saw SNL this past weekend, then I don't need to tell you how funny the sketch turned out.

    However, NOW there's an outtakes video, too. And, TBH, it's maybe even funnier than the actual sketch?!

    View this video on YouTube

    She cracks a few jokes...

    ...gets a bite to eat...

    ...and, of course, gets recognized by fans. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Melissa, you're just...THE BEST.