15 Items Only Thirtysomethings Would Have In Their Amazon Shopping Cart

    "Yes, I need this $500 Vitamix."

    1. Because you're experienced enough to know how to handle a wedding with no open bar:

    2. Because you're completely obsessed with finding the perfect pillow:

    3. Because you promise you'll use it more than once:

    4. Because you need all the advice you can get:

    5. Because you're still a slave to trends no matter how expensive:

    6. Because you're the friend who likes to get practical and aesthetically pleasing baby shower gifts:

    7. Because you can never have enough of this...

    8. ...or this:

    9. Because you're desperate to take a nap that actually leaves you feeling rested:

    10. Because pizza no longer agrees with you the way it used to:

    11. Because it's time to stop torturing your feet:

    12. Because someone once told you this makes wine taste even better:

    13. Because your last bottle expired before you could even finish half of them:

    14. Because sometimes you still want to physically own your favorite movies:

    15. And finally...for every day ending in "y":