17 Things People Obsessed With Eye Makeup Will Relate To

    Eye am out of control.

    1. Someone once told you, "Eyes are the window to the soul..."

    ...but then you probably thought, FUCK THE SOUL...can we talk about how beautiful that purple smoke look is?

    2. Because, frankly, you know there are only so many days in a week that you get to use your favorite Naked palette...

    3. ...and every one of those days you're also forced to choose between your eyeliner children.

    4. From an early age, you actually had a very good understanding of the struggle.

    5. Which explains why you have a mini-orgasm when your liquid eyeliner slides on oh-so-perfectly.

    6. And why you are, in fact, something of an artisan when it comes to cat eyes.

    7. Sometimes you feel a little overwhelmed by all the amazing options out there.

    8. But when you find a favorite item, it's for life.

    9. And, OBVIOUSLY, you hold on to your lash-enhancing favorites forever.

    10. Unless, of course, the powers that be take your loved ones away without warning.

    11. But then you remind yourself there's still a whole drawer full of beautiful friends that will be there for you.

    12. And there's always some new color scheme that will catch your eye.

    13. So, you continue your surgical-like pursuit of the perfectly placed false lashes.

    14. Because you have your 2016 goals already set.

    15. Or, you know, already mastered.

    16. Either way, you're always in pursuit...

    17. ...and hope to one day leave your legacy.