19 Details You Maybe Didn't Know Were In "Solo" That Actually Make The Film That Much Better

    Turns out there is more than one cameo from the prequels in this movie.

    Hi! We're Crystal and Brian and we're big STAR WARS NERDS! Recently, we picked up the book Solo: A Star Wars Story The Official Guide, which contains a lot of little details and tidbits that you might not know were incorporated into the film. It also answered some questions we had about the film!

    Here are some of our favorite things we learned thanks to the book (spoilers ahead, obviously):

    1. Timeline-wise the film starts off seven years after Revenge of the Sith.

    2. After the Empire came to power they made Corellia the planet that constructed their ships like TIE fighters and Star Destroyers.

    3. Han is 19 years old when the film starts...

    4. ...and 22 years old when he makes the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs.

    5. It's actually really popular to join the Imperial Military.

    6. Chewbacca is in Imperial custody on Mimban because he was double-crossed by a bounty hunter.

    7. The brown suede jacket we see Han Solo wearing for half the film is made of Nerf leather.

    8. Coaxium isn't just fuel, it's what allows ships to jump to lightspeed.

    9. Dryden Vos is not human, he is a near-human alien.

    10. And the lines on Dryden Vos's face are not scars, but "striation" linked to his circulation and adrenaline levels.

    11. The necklace Qi'ra wears when she reunites with Han is actually half of the Crimson Dawn logo.

    12. There's a Mandalorian armor set (kinda like Boba Fett's) in Dryden Vos's office.

    13. Anthony Daniels, the actor who famously plays C-3PO, has a cameo in Solo as Tak, one of the mine workers on Kessel.

    14. The Wookie that Chewbacca saves (and headbumps) is named Sagwa.

    15. Enfys Nest wears an "insulating wrap" that is made from Bantha fur.

    16. That weird mouthpiece on the lounge singer isn't a fashion statement — it's actually a multi-vocoder to boost her voice to non-human frequencies.

    17. Lando is on a sort of sabbatical because he had recently paid off his debts with a smuggling run.

    18. Weazel (who is part of the Enfys Nest gang) once worked for the Hutt gang on Tatooine.

    19. Bonus: Maul is in Solo because he actually survived being cut in half by Obi-Wan Kenobi in Phantom Menace.