17 Creepy Wikipedia Pages That Are For Adults Only

    Happy scrolling...muhaha.

    Have you ever found yourself awake, totally unable to get to sleep, and scrolling down some deep internet rabbit holes?

    And have those rabbit holes ever been creepy Wikipedia pages? It's OK — it happens to the best of us. In fact, here are a bunch of terribly creepy ones people on Reddit shared, and FAIR WARNING, these just might keep you up until the sun starts to rise.

    H/T r/CreepyWikipedia

    1. The Disappearance of Brian Shaffer:

    2. The "screaming" Mummies of Guanajuato:

    3. The serial killer Baba Anujka:

    4. Smile mask syndrome:

    5. The Persian Princess, a mummy sold on the black market:

    6. The Disappearance of Jamie Fraley:

    7. The Killing of Henryk Siwiak:

    8. Sogen Kato, thought to be Tokyo's oldest man:

    9. Eben Byers, who drank bottles of radium-spiked tonic:

    10. The Kids for Cash scandal:

    11. Blanche Monnier, who was secretly held captive by her mother:

    12. The Posthumous Beheading of Mata Hari:

    13. The Murder of Helle Crafts, which inspired the movie Fargo:

    14. La petite mort — aka "the little death":

    15. The Balloonfest '86 in Cleveland, Ohio:

    16. The Guatemala syphilis experiments:

    17. And finally, Capitol Hill's mystery soda machine:

    Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.