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Today's Google Doodle Is A Favela And That's Plain Rude

Poverty should not be a pop icon.

Google has been playing around with its Doodles since the World Cup started, and they've mostly been cute and playful, but Wednesday's image is a bit tone deaf. The Doodle depicts a favela — or slum — where the letter "L" is playing with a ball by itself.

In favelas, people live in extreme poverty with lack of services, and they are often afflicted by severe crime and violence.

According to Google Doodle's archive, the inspiration came from a sketch by artist Matt Cruickshank.

Many have complained on social media, pointing out that trying to make poverty look cute is insensitive.

Huh. The google doodle is a favela today. Where does the "I'm choking on my own outrage over this insensitivity" line start?

Is this @Google doodle meant to be a favela? Using cartoon poverty to celebrate the footie: tasteless & inappropriate

Awww! Cutesy Google doodle of favela football fever today. Only detail missing is bullet-riddled corpses pumping torrents of blood downhill.

Favela life looks pretty cute once @google doodle all the bloodshed and poverty out of it

HOW EFFING CUTE! The google doodle today is of a sweet little favela! Poverty is so darn ADORABLE! #WorldCup2014

The current Google Doodle of a favela seems in poor taste.

Google has declined to comment.