17 Male Literary Characters That Made You Raise Your Eyebrows And Expectations

    Moby wasn't the only one Dick-ing around.

    1. Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird

    2. Mr. Rochester from Jane Eyre

    3. Hamlet from Hamlet

    4. Sam from Holes

    5. Long John Silver from Treasure Island

    6. Dracula from Dracula

    7. Jesse Tuck from Tuck Everlasting

    8. Edmond Dantes from The Count of Monte Cristo

    9. Montag from Fahrenheit 451

    10. Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde from Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

    11. Dallas "Dally" Winston from The Outsiders

    12. Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights

    13. Prince Caspian from The Chronicles of Narnia series

    14. Jay Gatsby from The Great Gatsby

    15. Robin Hood from The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood and other various works

    16. Erik from The Phantom of the Opera

    17. Cyrano de Bergerac from Cyrano de Bergerac