

The Commonwealth of Codistan Population: Fucked Up Primary Exports: Sarcasm, Useless Facts, Smut, Hugs Primary Import: Coffee Ruling Council: Cody, tonya, Elaine, Bobby, and Critter National Motto: Seriously??? Flag: Dexter's sweaty tee shirt I'm your average comic geeky, rabidly liberal, eccentric, eclectic, random, insane transfag (a female to male transsexual who likes males- Y chromosome not required). If you can tolerate/engage in long rambling conversations about the exploits of my headmates, comics, various religions in which I have no vested interest, politics, Smallville and how it screwed up but still managed to remain awesome, how cool explosions are, ancient history, the paranormal and conspiracy theories(skeptic, but all that stuff is fun to think about), general debauchery, my latest fictional love interest, or my dog Toby, message me. If you're racist, misogynistic, transphobic, homophobic, anti-semitic, anti-islamic, anti-liberal, anti-science or a prude, you might as well defriend me now, because I can promise you that I *will* piss you off. ALSO, if you plan on lecturing me about the headmates or my trans status, go away. Just leave me alone. Please. Just go. They aren't leaving and I'm not going to try to fit into anyone else's mold of who or what I should be.

Feb 2011
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  • codye2's avatar

    codye2 commented on Do You Say "Awnt" Or "Ant"?

    "Aint" because I'm originally from GA. "Ant" when I want to be understood by non-Southerners.


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