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13 Things Only Abuelitas Say

Abuelitas are wise. They seriously have a perfect answer for everything. These quotes are brought to you by Clorox, your answer for cleaning and disinfecting during cold and flu season, but the advice is 100% abuelita’s.

10 Awards Every Dad Should Win

Parenting is a tough job, but someone's got to do it. And fathers do it so very well. They always make us smile and know how to find the enjoyable side of all those messes — like Clorox.

The 14 Cutest Messes Of All Time

There's nothing cuter than kids. There's nothing messier, either. Check out these adorable little mishaps and laugh, because you'll always have Clorox.

13 Little Dogs With Big Messes

They say big things come in small packages. These dogs are out to prove that mess is no exception. Learn to laugh off those daily disasters knowing that no matter how big the mess, Clorox has your back.

14 Signs You're A Total Hot Mess

Because cleaning is way too hard, right? Wrong. If your life is covered in a layer of filth, it's time to turn to Clorox and clean up your act the fun, easy way.