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13 Things Only Abuelitas Say

Abuelitas are wise. They seriously have a perfect answer for everything. These quotes are brought to you by Clorox, your answer for cleaning and disinfecting during cold and flu season, but the advice is 100% abuelita’s.

1. When she wants a guy to be a complete gentleman with you:

2. When you are doubting a good thing:

3. When you are being impatient about something:

4. When your crush didn't show interest in you:

5. When something bad happened in your life:

6. When it was time for cleaning:

7. When you guys overheard someone saying mean things:

8. When you ask her for advice on rekindling a relationship:

9. When you've tried to over-explain:

10. When you wonder if a person will ever act differently:

11. When you are afraid someone may be saying things about you behind your back:

12. If you were ever bored at home:

13. And whenever you stop feeling a little under the weather:

Abuelita's advice definitely sticks. Make sure germs don't with Clorox.

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