15 Things That Happen When You Vow To Stop Buying Coffee

    Day number two and I can feel the skin under my eyeballs.

    1. First off, you're just a little bit proud of what you're doing.

    2. Then you decide that spending money on instant coffee is not the same thing.

    3. Then you brew your first cup before turning around, watery-eyed, to tell your partner how great it is.

    4. Then you get to work carrying around your ~desk instant~ like baby Simba.

    5. Then you get super moody, because how dare your coworkers go get coffee without you?

    6. Then, someone rocks up to work with chocolate covered coffee beans to ~share~.

    7. Then towards the end of the day, you realise that you've re-read the same sentence five times.

    8. And all you can think about is that sweet, sweet sound of grinding beans.

    9. Then you commit theft and steal a coke from the work fridge for a caffeine fix.

    10. Then you try to convince your boss to pay for company coffee.

    11. Then, quite suddenly, you promptly give up and go for a happy hour, half-priced coffee at 3 p.m.

    12. But when you get there, you realise that happy hour has been cancelled.

    13. Then you get super jittery, because in your attempt to not spend money on coffee — you've consumed more caffeine than normal.

    14. Then you realise it's 7 p.m. and that you really need to go home.

    15. And finally, when you get home, your loving partner has bought coffee-flavoured ice cream as a reward.