We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    Focus On The Fun Parts Of Travel Thanks To These 34 Problem-Solving Products

    You've probably waited all year for this vacation — leave the stress at home and let these products make your trip run smoothly.

    1. A Trtl neck pillow that's 10 times more comfortable than those cheap, flimsy pillows you buy at the airport minutes before your flight. It's designed to keep your head in a comfortable position the entire time you snooze, which means no painful bobble-heading.

    editor wearing the TRTL pillow while sleeping
    Ciera Velarde / BuzzFeed

    I've used this for the past few years and swear by it! Before this, I always found traditional neck pillows uncomfortable and would end up ditching them halfway through the flight and getting frustrated. The Trtl pillow is adjustable — you wrap the pillow around your neck and secure it with Velcro, and if you find it's too loose, just make it a bit tighter! I've truly never slept better on a plane than with this pillow.

    Get it from Amazon for $59.99+ (available in five colors).

    2. A teensy eye contact kit because contact wearers know to always be prepared for anything, especially while traveling. Complete with a contact case and a tube to keep solution in, you can take out your contacts at a moment's notice (like on a red-eye flight) to give your eyes some much-needed rest. 

    Promising review: "I love this product a lot. Super cute!! It’s very minimalistic and fits in my purse just fine. I have no worries about it opening in my bag because it snaps tightly, but isn’t hard to open at all. I would recommend this product to any contact wearer!!" —Krystal

    Get it from Amazon for $4.99 (available in three colors).

    3. A portable safe if you're worried about your valuables and you know your accommodations won't have a safe for you to access. It's also great when you're going to the beach and want to take a dip in the ocean without worrying that your stuff will get stolen.

    pink masterlock personal safe with belongings inside of it
    reviewer's pink personal safe that's attached to a beach chair at the beach

    Promising review: "This safe has become a MUST-HAVE on all our vacations. We no longer travel without it. We put two iPhones, cash, and car keys in this little safe, locked it to a beach cabana, threw a towel over it and took off for a hour of snorkeling. Never once worried about our belongings. We now use several of these as room safes AND as 'hide a key' lockboxes outside our vacation condo for teens who come and go throughout the day. They are invaluable!" —KeepIT Reel

    Get it from Amazon for $16.70+ (available in two colors).

    4. A waterproof pouch to keep your cellphone dry, even if you take it with you while snorkeling or kayaking. Want to take pictures or answer a text? The clear sleeve still gives you full touchscreen capability!

    black joto waterproof sleeve for your phone
    reviewer with the black waterproof case around neck while in the water

    It also comes with a lanyard so you can wear it around your neck.

    Promising review: "This product is incredible. I purchased to use while in Key West for an iPhone 6, iPhone 6 plus, and Galaxy S6 Edge and it fits perfectly for each phone (but a little more snug with the iPhone 6 plus). It is completely waterproof and takes great photos and video through the case but you have to press record prior to submerging the case underwater. My family went snorkeling and kept the case with the phone inside submerged almost the entire time and had no issues with leakage. My family and I got stopped numerous times being asked where we purchased this product. Perfect even if just on the beach and you do not want to get sand or sunscreen on your phone and want to still take photos/text/browse the internet while on the beach. I will be purchasing this for everyone in my family as it has become a travel must-have! I highly recommend this product." —Jennifer Roman

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99+ (available in 14 colors).

    5. A digital luggage scale because it's much better to spend around $12 on this to make sure your luggage is under the weight requirement than to get to the airport and find out your bag is somehow 60 pounds and you get slapped with a $50 fee.

    hand held luggage scale

    Promising review: "We use this in every trip to avoid paying for extra weight as we travel internationally quite often. I have tested in several ways and also always note the weigh number in the airport. After several trips, I can say that the accuracy of it is right within 2 lbs. I have it for almost two years and I am still using the same batteries." —Cass Young

    Get it from Amazon for $10.18+ (available in eight colors).

    6. Travel-sized Poo-pouri to spray in the toilet *before* you use it to eliminate any unwanted smells from stinking up the whole bathroom. Trust us — you'll want to keep this tucked away in your purse for on-the-go stinky situations!

    travel sized poo pouri

    Promising review: "I have these sprays in every bathroom in my home. I also keep one at work, although I had to start hiding it in the bathroom because apparently other people love it as much as I do and decided to take it home with them. I highly recommend. So much more effective than the 'courtesy flush.' By the time you do that one, the problem is already 'out there.' With Poo-Pourri, it never has a chance. I haven't met a scent I didn't like so far. What a great idea!" —Kindle Customer

    Get from Amazon for $11.53.

    7. A portable door lock especially comforting if you're spending the night alone in a hotel and want some extra peace of mind that you'll be safe. It's easy to install, doesn't take up a lot of room in your bag, and you'll finally be able to rest a bit easier.

    lock on door
    how to guide for door lock

    Promising review: "My apartment door has a deadbolt but no lock on the door handle. The latch is also misplaced so if it’s not dead bolted anyone can just push my door open. Took a few tries to get this right but makes me feel much more secure and it’s easy to use when you get the hang of it! I also take this with me when traveling as it fits almost all doors. Definitely recommend, thanks TikTok for showing this to me." —Anna

    Get it from Amazon for $11.99.

    8. An anti-blister balm because vacation time is too precious to spend it walking around in shoes that rub your ankles raw! This works best if you apply it at the beginning of the day before you start walking because it will create a barrier between your shoe and your skin. 

    A model applies the BodyGlide Foot Anti Blister Balm to the back of their ankle

    Promising review: "This stuff is amazing! I wore heels that always give me blisters for eight hours, and I didn't get a single one when using this balm. It really worked! I plan on getting it again and again. I always have it in my bag at work just in case. I did find it necessary to reapply if I took my shoes off and put them on again." —Donna

    Get it from Amazon for $8.99.

    9. Or a stick of Gold Bond Friction Defense that helps stop chafing caused by sweat in its tracks. Now you can finally wear shorts or dresses during long vacation days without worrying about the inevitable inner thigh chafing (and the pain that accompanies it).

    writer holding up the gold bond friction defense aloe
    Ciera Velarde / BuzzFeed

    I've used it for forever and it's the only thing that I can trust to prevent that dreaded chafing after a sweaty day of walking around. It glides on perfectly, it's unscented, and it doesn't melt away when you start to sweat. If it's a particularly hot day out, it can start to fade after a few hours, so just make sure to bring it with you to reapply. In addition to preventing chafing between my thighs, I've also applied it on my arms where my sports bra rubs against them when I run and it works like a charm!

    Promising review: "I just used it for five days in 90 degree plus weather at Bonnaroo music festival in the middle of Tennessee on a farm in June with 100,000 people walking several miles, dancing, and sweating every day. I am happy to report that this product is a lifesaver. My thighs didn't chafe once, and I have big ones! I had to reapply once during the day. I strongly recommend buying this if you have large thighs and need relief from chafing. I couldn't wear dresses or skirts in the heat if I was walking anywhere, and now I live in them because of this stuff! Buy it! It works!" —Carwizzle

    Get it from Amazon for $5.29.

    10. The Nori Press because nothing is worse than unpacking your clothes and discovering every single piece is a wrinkled mess. You don't even have to use an ironing board with this — just clamp the iron around the fabric (kinda like you're using a hair straightener) while your clothing is hanging up!

    the nori press against a beige background
    a model using the nori press to iron a hanging garment

    Nori is a woman-owned small business based in Connecticut hoping to make your life easier with this all-in-one travel iron and steamer.

    Promising review: “I am not an iron girl, but this product sold me. It is so easy to use. The Nori is portable, so I take it with me everywhere. It has helped me to look sharp at weddings and weekends away. At home, I can refresh my dresses and shirts before starting work and going out. I would highly recommend this product to everyone who might be thinking of a change. No more heavy irons and dry cleaning for me. Thank you Nori!” —Elizabeth M 

    Get it from Nori for $120 (available in seven colors).

    11. An in-flight phone mount so you don't have to awkwardly hold your phone in your hand the whole trip as you're trying to watch the TV show you downloaded before takeoff. Now, you can pop it up on the seatback in front of you so your neck is in a comfortable viewing position, and your hands are free for snacking.

    Promising review: "I bought this nifty gadget about six months ago for a multi-leg, ultra-long-haul trip and it more than held up the entire duration. I was able to finagle it to fit the tray tables on different planes, and like others, I find the height just nice when clamped onto a stowed tray table. It also works on my roller carry-on handle during layovers. However, I find myself using it a lot outside of travel too! Work-wise, I've clamped it onto my office desk shelving to hold my phone at eye level beside my computer. At home, I simply clamped it to a deck of cards and it turns into a versatile stand that I can place on any flat surface. Heck, I've been using it to hold my phone comfortably at eye level while watching videos in bed. It's extremely well-built, and I find myself fidgeting with it all the time. Thus far it still feels solid and I don't anticipate breaking it any time soon. Even if it does break, I'll be happy to buy another one or two of it!" —Earendil

    Get it from Amazon for $10.34+ (available in three colors).

    12. Tide sink packets with just enough detergent in them to wash your clothes in the sink. Now you don't have to stress about overpacking before your trip — just use one of these to wash your outfits a few days into the vacation, and you'll have fresh clothes to keep on sightseeing with!

    person dumping packet of clothes detergent in a sink full of water

    Each pack comes with three packets. And, because they *are* liquid, they'll easily slide into the side of your toiletries bag.

    Promising review: "Taking these out of the country to wash under things is exactly the right size." —Laura Wilson

    Get nine packs from Amazon for $6.63.

    13. A collapsible water bottle that can be rolled up to a super small size so it won't take up precious cargo space when it's not full.

    reviewer holding up the water bottle all rolled up
    reviewer showing the water bottle full of water

    Promising review: "Well this is the coolest thing ever! I travel quite a bit, and I usually don't take a bottle with me because they are big and bulky, and I usually lose it! This collapsible water bottle is a perfect traveling accessory. It stays collapsed until after security, and then I fill it up for the trip. It's a good size and fits in my side compartment in my travel backpack and the cap screws in securely so I don't have to worry about it opening accidentally and spilling all over the place. I follow the instructions on how to clean it and it works just fine." —M. Lyons

    Get it from Amazon for $34.95 (available in five colors).

    14. A packing list pad so you can avoid that mid-flight freak out that you forgot to pack essential things like underwear, sunglasses, or medications. Just go down this checklist and you'll be good to go! 


    It even has extra lines for you to fill in anything that might not be on the list!

    Promising review: "I hate packing — I mean, I really hate packing! I am always afraid I am going to forget something, and the entire ordeal is a stressful one for me. Since I have to travel a lot, this is a game changer. No more guessing if I forgot my underwear — everything I need is on this list. I am thinking of just keeping one bag totally packed, filled with the items on the list, and just add my suit in when I am ready to travel. :)" —Dr. Oceanfront

    Get it from Amazon for $7+ (available in three styles).

    15. A six-port wall charger if you're stuck in a hotel room with only one easily accessible outlet but you and your travel buddies need to charge all your electronic devices. Also great to use at a crowded airport when your phone, headphones, and computer all happen to be dying at the same time.

    the outlet with five chargers plugged into it
    the outlet placed in a suitcase

    Seriously though — why aren't there more outlets in hotel rooms?! Something I'll never understand.

    Promising review: "This is a great product! I travel frequently, and I am always challenged with the number of USB ports I can get with the number of outlets available (and where) in hotel rooms. With this product, the number of ports problem goes away, and what's great is that it extends the charger interface out from behind a bed or nightstand, or other inconvenient receptacle location, up onto a work surface for easy access. As far as power, I have had an Asus transformer, two iPads, HTC one M8, and two iPhones connected to it at the same time, charging for hours with no heat on the device whatsoever. It works great at home too. I have always had good luck with Anker products, good quality." —bishop

    Get it from Amazon for $29.99 (available in two colors).

    16. A pair of quick-dry water shoes in case you find yourself on a rocky beach or an adventure excursion where you'll definitely want to protect your feet. 

    grippy sole of shoe
    two pairs of feet wearing the shoes in the ocean

    Promising review: "I bought these shoes a couple of years ago before a river hike. UM THESE ARE AWESOME. They lasted a long time and the only reason I bought these yellow ones were because I wanted a new color, haha. My older pair did start to wear out in the toes from scraping them on rocks and such when hiking but still no holes in them. These shoes feel like socks but with enough of a sole that you can walk on gravel with no problem. It really is like walking barefoot. Also, these are the only water shoes that I have worn that do NOT let a bunch of debris into the shoe making you constantly have to take it off to empty it or just deal with the irritant. You can play on the beach with minimal sand stuck between your toes. Thoroughly impressed by that. So with that, I do recommend if you are a half size to size down so they are snug, otherwise the sock like ability to keep stuff out might not work so well." —Samantha Lindsay

    Get it from Amazon for $9.88+ (available in seven sizes and 44 colors).

    17. magnetic luggage tag if you've ever asked yourself "how the heck do I pack my hat when traveling?!" All you have to do it attach it to this nifty tag that hangs on your bag, and you'll be able to take it along without crushing it!

    a model rolling a suitcase with the the luggage tag holding a wide-brim hat attached
    a gif of a model attaching the luggage tag to a tote and clipping a wide--brim hat to the luggage tag
    Lindsay Albanese

    Lindsay Albanese is an LA-based, woman-owned small business that creates fashionable and functional accessories to make your life easier.

    Promising review: "Love! Love! Love it! It has a very sturdy grip, and fashionable! I have had skin cancer numerous times, including melanoma. This is a must-have to keep me safe and fashionable — vacation or otherwise. I have thrown it in the overhead on a plane or shuffled through crowded venues, prior to COVID-19, and never lost my hat. This is a great gift, first to myself, and now to others! Thank you for keeping me safe and on point at an affordable price!" —Emily K.

    Get it from Lindsay Albanese for $69.

    18. A sleep mask perfect for the times when your seat neighbor refuses to pull down the window blind when you're trying to snooze. The smart design features contoured cups that don't put any pressure on your eyes, making your slumber so much more pleasant.

    front of a sleep mask that blocks out light
    back of a sleep mask with contoured cups that cradle eyes

    Promising review: "I’ve been using this mask for over a week now, and I must say that it’s the best mask I’ve ever used yet. I have used a sleep mask every night for... probably the last nine years, and it’s the most comfortable one I’ve ever used. I love the strap. No Velcro to get caught in your hair! It’s got adjustable wide elastic that is soft and comfortable. Not the stiff stuff! The mask has nice memory foam in it which cushions your face when sleeping on your side. It has nice deep eye pockets so there is never any pressure on your eyes or eyelashes, which I love. Overall, this is the best mask I’ve ever had. It’s made so well; I feel pampered in it." —DePlume

    Get it from Amazon for $16.99+ (available in seven colors/styles).

    19. A travel belt for attaching your heavy purse or backpack to the top of your rolling suitcase so you can give your body some relief as you rush through the airport.

    pink travel belt with a latch
    model standing next to a suitcase with a bag on top that's attached with a travel belt
    Cincha Travel

    Check out this TikToker raving about the Cincha travel belt here!

    The travel belt is adjustable to 38 inches to fit most bags. The belt itself is vegan leather with elastic accents and a quick-release buckle.

    Cincha Travel is a small business in California that develops adjustable travel belts made out of vegan leather. The brand donates 100 airline miles for each purchase, which are used to reconnect separated migrant families.

    Promising review: "Love this! I am constantly struggling between holding my jacket and two carry-ons. This is the perfect solution! I can’t wait to start using it when I’m back to regular business travel." —Allison

    Get it from Cincha Travel for $39.99 (available in 18 colors).

    20. An AirFly Pro wireless transmitter you can plug into the TV screen on the airplane so you can actually use your wireless earbuds and not have to shell out extra cash to buy those wired headphones they sell on the plane.

    hands pulling out an airpod while watching tv on an plane
    model wearing airpods and touching a tv screen while on a plane

    You can even pair two sets of headphones at once to the AirFly! 

    Promising review: "Ever since I purchased my wireless Bose earbuds, I always hated having to use another set when I was on an airplane with the seat-back entertainment system. I tried many different models to connect the system to my Bluetooth headsets until I came across this one, and it is amazing! It seamlessly connects to my headset, very clear and reliable audio, and it takes the stress away from having to carry multiple headsets! Thank you!!!" —Ryan Malloy

    Get it from Amazon for $54.95+ (available in white or black).

    21. A luggage-mounted cup caddy designed for anyone who has dealt with the trip-ruining horror of spilling a full drink on yourself while running through the airport. Just slip your drink in this caddy and save yourself the trouble (and embarrassment).

    It also has a second pocket to hold your phone or treats!

    Promising review: "This cup holder is perfect! It helps me a lot! Last time I took a plane with a suitcase and a cup of coffee, I dropped and spilled my drink everywhere when it was my turn to check my passport and ticket. It was a nightmare! This time, I bought this cup holder to do me a favor! I don't have to worry about where my cup and phone are! I can free my hands to do other things. I love it so much! Hope you love it too." —Philip

    Get it from Amazon for $10.79+ (available in 28 colors and patterns). 

    22. A tube of Weleda Skin Food because flying can seriously dry you out, so you'll want to keep this super-rich lotion in your carry-on to keep your skin hydrated and fresh!

    model squeezing the white cream onto their hand
    @weleda_usa / https://www.instagram.com/p/B18zKbzHkku/

    Promising review: "I am a flight attendant and this is my go-to hand cream! It is a little greasy when you first start rubbing it in, but it absorbs quickly and that along with the smell (a bit medicinal) dissipates before you know it. It doesn't take much of this at all. I rub a little on my tired feet at the end of the day as well, and trust me I have tired feet after being on them for 14-plus hours. This stuff works great for this as well. Win-win, Weleda!" —Lauren

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99+ (available in two sizes).

    23. A rechargeable handheld fan you'll want to whip out the second you feel the first drop of sweat descend down your face as you're soaking up the sun on your vacation.

    I bought this to take on a summer trip to Disney World and let me tell you — it's the only way I survived!! Every day got well into the 90s, but I kept this pointed at my face whenever I wasn't soaking up air conditioning. I was seriously impressed with how powerful it was and how I instantly felt less sweaty. The charge lasts about a day if you use it sparingly (or a few hours of continuous use), so make sure to charge it nightly if you're on a trip. The fan has three speed settings, and it folds so you can prop it up on a table.

    Promising review: "I have ZERO complaints!!! My sister got married outdoors and I decided I needed a fan as I sweat a lot. Suffice to say I LOVE IT! I was cool the entire time in the sun, it has a handle and is not too big which makes it easy to tag along any- and everywhere. You won’t regret this purchase." —DIONNE HOOK

    Get it from Amazon for $12.99+ (available in five colors).

    24. A package of dissolving soap sheets for the times you really need to wash your hands while traveling but all you have is water. This is especially great for parents of toddlers who are always getting into messes  — just pull one of the sheets out, pour some water on your hands and rub, and you'll have gentle soap ready to get all that stickiness off their little hands in a pinch.

    package of the dissolving soap sheets
    gift of a person dissolving the sheet into soap

    Goodnest is a new brand of baby care products that uses sustainable and reusable packaging for all their products, and all of their baby care is free from parabens, phthalates, dyes, synthetic fragrances, silicones and sulfates Also, the company will donated a month's worth of clean water to someone in need for each item purchased.

    Promising review: "These are great. I got them for travel with my baby (2 years old) and they foam up well and are great for preventing liquids from being brought and spilling. I would recommend. The case is smaller and easy to pull each tab of soap out." —Sylvana Hall

    Get 20 sheets from Target for $6.99.

    25. Some odor eliminators you can keep in your luggage so you never have to worry about your stinky sneakers or sweaty clothes making your whole bag smell....less than fresh. These are especially necessary if you're headed out on a lot of long hikes or doing lots of workouts on your trip.

    long rectangle-shaped grey bag sitting on top of a gym bag

    The charcoal bag has no smell and absorbs excess moisture to prevent mold, mildew, and bacteria from forming on your clothes and in your bag. You can use them for up to two years, but you should put them outside in the sun for an hour once a month so they can ~rejuvenate~.

    Promising review: "These are the best travel buddies! I always pack one of these in my luggage and one in my boyfriend's. While traveling, we sometimes don't get to wash all our clothes, but these bags are brilliant at absorbing the smell of sweat on our clothes and shoes!" —J.L.

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $9.95.

    26. A 3-in-1 travel scarf that also functions as a blanket and a wearable shawl. That means you can snuggle up with it during your long (very cold!) flight, rock a scarf moment and pair it with your favorite travel outfit, or make it the focal point of your outfit by wearing it as the shawl option! And you just need to pack one thing!

    model wearing the travel scarf
    model wearing the travel scarf as a blanket
    model wearing the travel scarf as a shawl
    Goodful Verishop

    Get it from our Goodful shop for $68.

    27. A handmade leather cord organizer because it's a serious travel buzzkill when you go to fish out your wired headphones and they're in a huge crumpled mess. This will keep them super organized so you're only ever 10 seconds away from listening to your favorite true crime podcast.

    hold holding leather wired headphone holder
    Elizabeth Lilly / BuzzFeed

    My coworker Elizabeth Lilly loves these! Here's what she has to say: "After putting this well-reviewed item in stories for YEARS, I finally bought one for myself because I'm one of those AirPod holdouts who's still managed to stick with the wired OGs. But! That means that I've clocked too much time untangling said wires. This little leather square with a buttoned strap is so simple, but works so well. I can easily throw it in a jeans pocket but most often put it in a jacket or coat pocket for my everyday. I do the same when traveling. It takes me about 10 seconds to unravel (or re-ravel) my headphones and I'm on my merry way listening to my fave podcasts or Spotify playlist. For such a small amount of money, it really does make my day to day much easier."

    Promising review: "No more tangled headphone cables! I bought a pair for my desk at home, and I'm purchasing another pair for my office. I love how neat and untangled my earbud cords are when using this organizer. It's leather, which I'm sure will last many, many years for such a great price." —Jane M

    Get it from Amazon for $6.99 (available in five colors as well as in sets of two and three).

    28. Hairbrella you'll want to store in your bag in case of any inclement weather during your trip! Nothing can ruin a great vacation day than a random thunderstorm out of nowhere. The satin-lined cap will your hair frizz-free even if it's rainy or humid outside, and the visor will keep any precipitation out of your face.

    Reviewer wearing black flexible cap with small plastic visor on their head
    Model pouring water on another model's head while wearing the hairbrella, then taking it off to show hair perfectly styled and dried

    Hairbrella is a Black-owned small business that has been creating fashionable hats that protect hair from all kinds of weather since 2016. 

    Promising review: "I traveled to London last month with a raincoat that did not have a hood, and I wanted something that would protect my head/hair/blowout without lugging an umbrella. This definitely did the trick. Two of the three days were rainy (some quite heavy) and my hair stayed totally dry. It stows nicely, too. I'm still learning how to adjust it while it's on my head (easier to adjust first and then put it on). Also, when I do have it tightened/pulled to the right place, the loop/slack from where I adjusted it sort of sticks out and gets in my peripheral vision. I wish the adjustment/clasp was on less prominent. But, all in all, this is perfect for anyone who wants to keep their blowout fresh in the rain." —Miss Information

    Get it from Amazon for $29.99+ (available in four colors).

    29. mini white-noise machine, because a good night's sleep is important, especially if you're traveling for business or have a full itinerary the next day. You'll slumber peacefully as this machine drowns out the sounds of rowdy next-door neighbors or loud street noises.

    Reviewer's white noise machine
    Reviewer holding the white noise machine to show how small it is

    Promising review: "I travel a lot for work and need some kind of noise to cover up sounds from the hallway in hotels. This little device is the best one I've found. I've found one of the sound options that sounds just like an AC unit that puts me to sleep in an instant. And no worries that the hotel AC stops running in the middle of the night as they usually do and you wake up to a silent room and can't go back to sleep. The sounds on this little guy are the best ones I've heard. Buy this for travel and you won't be sorry!" —KJ

    Get it from Amazon for $34.99 (available in black or white).

    30. A portable charger that can hold around five full charges for your cellphone. It has two USB ports, so you could even charge two devices at once. Never be with a dead electronic device again!

    black portable charger charging an iphone
    reviewer holding up a portable charger from the side to show the charging ports

    Promising review: "This is honestly the nicest power bank I’ve ever owned. It’s design is stunning, the tiny texture provides a nice feeling holding it, and it’s one of the quicker 20,000 mAh chargers (receiving and delivering power). I love that it accepts USB-C charging and that it has two out ports. I bought it because I love attending music festivals and needed the extra battery life, which this is perfect for!" –Andrew

    Get it from Amazon for $36.52+ (available in black and white).

    31. A set of six Cadence containers so you don't have to bring your huge bottle of face wash on every trip. Now you can store just the small amount you need of each beauty product, leaving so much extra space in your bag. Each container has a leakproof lid and comes with a label so you know what's inside each one. 

    six cadence capsules with powders, pills, and liquids in it
    liquid being poured into a cadence container

    Cadence is an AAPI woman-owned small business that was founded by Steph Hon as a way to eliminate single-use travel-sized plastics. The containers are made from recycled ocean-bound plastic. 

    My co-worker Abby Kass has these and loves them! Here's what she has to say about them: "I recently got a set of four of these, and, wow, I love them so much. I used them on a six-day trip recently, and they were perfect. I customized the label so I knew which one was my shampoo vs. conditioner and did a general label for any other things I wanted to bring along. They do hold a surprising amount. According to the brand, they hold approximately one to two weeks of skincare products, more than two weeks' worth of serum, two to three days' worth of haircare, and more than 15 tablets (for medicine and such). And while two to three days worth of haircare might not seem like enough, I found it held more than that for me, but I also don't wash my hair every single day. They were small enough to slip right into my toiletries bag and go through TSA with no problem. The container was easy to open in the shower (even with wet hands), and I had no leakage from them (like I did from my face wash bottle that will not be making the trip with me next time. SMH). These are an incredibly useful tool anyone who travels will want in their luggage."

    Get a set of six from Cadence for $76 (available in eight colors and with customizable labels).

    32. A zipper puller especially great if you're a solo traveler and you're worried about zipping up your dresses. Go ahead and pack that fancy outfit — this handy gadget can attach to your zipper in the back, and the long ribbon makes it easy for you to move the zipper up or down without twisting yourself into an uncomfortable position.

    Zipper puller fastening to a garment zipper
    reviewer using the zipper puller

    Promising review: "This product is fabulous and saves me. I have a lot of back zip dresses for work, and my daughter helps me zip. I had to travel recently and bought this product. I read a lot of negative reviews. Do not believe them. This product works every time if you CLIP IT ON ACCORDING TO THE DIRECTIONS. If you do not clip it on the zipper properly it does not work. I have used this on little zippers, hidden zippers, and tight dresses with zero problems. This works both ways to zip and unzip. I don’t know how I have worn back zip dresses all this time without this product. I can buy back zip clothes now with no worry about how to get them on and off without help." —Foxyang

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99 (available in three colors).

    33. A sun visor as stylish as it is effective at getting the sun out of your face. Plus: it's packable and retains its shape, even after being shoved into your luggage. Make sure to snag it before your next beach vacation!

    model wearing a beige wide brim visor

    The wide brim provides much more UV protection than regular caps!

    Promising review: "I have long hair and always avoided hats because I hate having my hair sweating against my neck in a low bun or ponytail. With this sun visor-summer hat combo, I can keep my hair in a top knot and still keep my face and neck protected from the sun while catching a nice breeze. This is perfect (although a little large in circumference and I have a big head 7 3/4 hat size) and it’s adjustable and can fit any head size. It rolls up well and has an elastic to keep it rolled. I’ll be recommending this item to all my friends!" —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $21.99+ (available in 14 colors).

    34. A box of extra strength Gas-X pills if your pre-flight meal has you feeling super bloated....and you still have eight hours of the flight ahead of you. Instead of just staying miserable, chew one of these Gas-X pills that you've expertly stored in your purse.

    box of gas-z extra strength softgels
    Infographic sharing that the chewables help relieve pressure, bloating, and discomfort

    Promising review: "Really helps when you feel bloated. Small and easy-to-swallow gel-coated pills. I always pack them when I travel." —Shop A Holic

    Get a pack of 72 pills from Amazon for $14.48.

    You relaxing on your vacation after all those pesky problems have been solved by these useful products: