17 Times Cats Saved The Internet This Week

    You will NOT get through this post without saying, "Awww!"

    1. This week, this little girl went all out for her Halloween costume:

    2. Venus encouraged us all to have fun while trick or treating but to also be aware of our babies' safety!!

    3. This one-eyed beauty didn't need to be told how beautiful they are:

    4. This chunker inadvertently dressed as a hipster for Halloween:

    5. This one just had to LOOK at their owner to get them to confess they spent time with another cat:

    6. Grumpy CAT was NOT in the mood to dress up even though she looked cute as all heck:

    7. This one was absolutely mesmerized by this light that was basically their twin:

    8. This one wanted to ~sing~ about their love for Halloween opposed to actually wearing a costume:

    And IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII will always love youuuuuuuu

    9. This one was in the mood for an interrogation once their owner came home:

    10. This one shouted, "Get in loser, we're going shopping!" to all their friends:

    11. And this one wanted to admire their jack-o'-lantern... from a distance:

    12. Coby channeled their inner Justin Bieber:

    13. These three were ready to grab Halloween by the horns:

    14. Sophie was in the mood to deliver some spooks!

    15. These two were definitely the first to spread some holiday love:

    16. This lil' stinker was 👏REA👏DY👏 to carve their own jack-o'-lantern:

    17. And Bub wanted to wish you all a happy Halloween!!!! 🎃🎃

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