19 Photos Of Bacon That Are The Next Best Thing To Sex

    This post is bacon me wet.

    1. This turkey-wrapped in bacon that's just waiting for you to pound it.

    2. This pizza that got a load of bacon blown all over it.

    3. These slices of pizza and cheesy bread BOUND in bacon.

    4. This pineapple STUFFED full of BONEless ribs and wrapped in bacon.

    5. These pieces of sushi tightly-choked in bacon.

    6. These wieners that are just waiting for you to suck 'em down one-by-one.

    7. This Carl's Jr. sleeve CRAMMED with juicy bacon.

    8. This bacon taco shell that wants you to dive face-first into it.

    9. These bacon slices double-teaming some golden pancakes.

    10. These bacon-wrapped onion rings that'll make you wet.

    11. This glorious bacon orgy.

    12. These bacon pieces clinging to some super moist brownies.

    13. These THICK-cut bacon slices SLAPPED onto a cake.

    14. This beautiful bacon-weave TOPPING some mac and cheese.

    15. This bacon grilled cheese sandwich that's creaming all over the place.

    16. These frigid cupcakes MOUNTED with some bacon pieces.

    17. These TWISTED, contorted morsels of bacon.

    18. These crispy fries slathered in greasy bacon-wonderfulness.

    19. And finally, this incredible bacon-wrapped carne asada burrito that can't wait for you to deep throat it.