22 Things Introverts Who Are Best Friends With Extroverts Know To Be True

    "Wouldn't you rather stay in and watch TV with me?"

    1. Convincing you to go out can be like pulling teeth.

    2. They have methods of persuading you, like trying to hype you up.

    3. Or trying to make you feel guilty when you're reluctant to go out.

    4. But even if they get you to attend, they know that doesn't mean you'll be staying there all night.

    5. You're open to the idea of trying new things with them, but they know you're more comfortable having one-on-one time with them in a pair of sweats.

    6. Sometimes you make up slang terms that sound fun to convince them to stay in with you.

    7. And just because you're staying in doesn't mean you can't show the world how much of a good time y'all are having on social media.

    8. You understand their constant desire for communication and attempt to be better at rapidly responding.

    9. However, there are times when you "forget" to reply to their texts — but because you're so close they have no problem confronting you about it.

    10. They understand your hatred toward little things, like huge crowds and people who try and talk to you before you've had coffee.

    11. Sometimes your brain can't fully process every detail that's on their mind and you find your thoughts wandering elsewhere.

    12. There are occasions where you're on the way to meet your BFF, but then they inform you that more people who you don't know are coming too.

    13. They've learned to accept your weird excuses when you turn down social obligations.

    14. As well as your incredibly vague answers to the question, "What are you doing?"

    15. But they're always pleasantly surprised when you DO hit them up and say you want to go out.

    16. However, they're not surprised when you're over it after being out for 30 minutes.

    17. Sometimes they'll want to take you out to meet new people, but then they're over it within 20 minutes.

    18. They're ALWAYS willing to dish out hours of advice when you need it.

    19. But they also know you're a really great listener, so you're the first person they turn to when they need advice.

    20. If something comes up and they have to cancel plans on you, you're more than happy to stay in and relax.

    21. Ultimately you have a love/hate relationship with the way they push you out of your comfort zone.

    22. But at the end of the day, whether the two of you are staying in or going out, it always has potential to be a great time.