There's A New Sci-Fi Animated Series On Hulu Called "Solar Opposites" And It's The Perfect Binge

    Aliens crash-landing on earth? I'm in!

    Last month Hulu dropped the trailer for an animated series and I was HYPED. It's called Solar Opposites. Here's how the series is described:

    The show comes from some of the brilliant minds behind Rick and Morty, so if you like that show, there's a good chance you'll be into this.

    As the trailer and posters declared, ALL episodes are available May 8, which is TODAY (or was once today, depending on when you're seeing this). Anyway, when midnight struck, what'd I do? Go to bed like a responsible person who has work in the morning? Hell no, I STARTED A BINGE SESSION, BABY!

    I'm very tired today. Like, really sleepy, but it was worth it, y'all. I won't give details or spoil, but I do want to inform folks that this is an absolute A+ binge option. It's funny, the animation is pretty to look at, there are quick jokes, lots of details, AND...

    The episodes are only 22-24 minutes, which is great because it's low commitment, but terrible because there are only eight of 'em, so you'll be done in three hours, leaving that empty, "what do I do now?" pit in your stomach.

    Anyway, if you're a sci-fi fan, an adult cartoon enthusiasts, and especially if you're a Rick and Morty lover, you should consider putting this on your radar. After all, the entire season is shorter than Titanic or Avengers: Endgame.