15 Photos Of Book Nook Shelf Inserts That Might Inspire Your Next DIY Craft Project

    So freakin' creative.

    Last month, we showed you these really cool book nook shelf inserts. Here are 15 more!

    1. This green beaut inspired by The Secret Garden.

    2. This absolutely beautiful tree made from wires, book pages, and acrylic panels.

    3. This beautifully detailed bookstore casually sitting on a shelf.

    4. This room inside a dictionary with a soothing glow coming from it.

    5. This subway entrance that really looks like something you could trot down.

    6. This neat little stone path alley.

    7. This narrow little road that totally looks walkable.

    8. This re-creation of the Great Hall from Harry Potter.

    9. This multiple-level dungeon.

    10. This Japanese alley.

    11. This fun, colorfully lit insert.

    12. This Les Misérables–themed nook.

    13. This The Mandalorian–themed nook featuring Baby Yoda.

    14. This Friends-themed keyholder that features Monica's door and could/should be used as a book nook.

    15. And finally, this incredible creation made from carving and drawing on a book.

    For more, check out Reddit's r/booknooks.