21 Times You Realized You Were In Your Thirstysomethings

    So thirsty you need an IV.

    1. When you started following someone on Twitter just because their default picture made you salivate.

    2. And then stalked them on Instagram just so you could temporarily quench your thirst.

    3. When you woke up from an insanely steamy dream about someone who is "just a friend."

    4. And then you couldn't stop thinking about what your subconscious was doing to them ALL DAY.

    5. When you went to the grocery store and undressed nearly everyone with your eyes.

    6. And you spent most of your time in the hot dog section.

    7. When you noticed how much you're constantly grooming your thirst area.

    8. When literally everything around you began to remind you of sex.

    9. The thirst was NEVER more real when you realized you NEVER swiped left on Tinder.

    10. So you had to delete it completely from your phone because you were addickted.

    11. When the fact sunk in that you didn't have an office crush...

    ...You had multiple office crushes.

    12. When you started to fantasize about your celebrity crush.

    13. And ALL of the fictional characters they have ever played throughout their career.

    14. When you went out with your friends to have a good time...

    ...But you ended up leaving your friends halfway through the night for some random eye candy that you just met.

    15. When you completely went out of your way just to talk to someone hot.

    16. And didn't stop flirting when you found out they were already taken.

    17. When you began to find one of your friend's parents attractive.

    18. And you couldn't stop stalking their Facebook page.

    19. When you got a dog just so you could find your next target at the dog park.

    20. And then you had to get rid of it because you only have time to tend to your thirst.

    21. But you never truly realized how deep you were into your thirstysomethings until your friends started to introduce you as their "thirsty friend."

    But so what if you're a little thirsty?

    At least you own it.