24 Inside Jokes You'll Only Understand If You've Lived In Colorado

    No explanations needed.

    1. The local superhero:

    2. Your friend who is in the diamond business:

    3. Your dream job as a kid:

    4. You know why you shouldn't bend over in American Furniture Warehouse:

    5. The worst day of your life:

    6. Followed by this day:

    7. This means you're home:

    8. This too:

    9. Adele's hair:

    10. The only way to do it:

    11. The celebrities who reside at 63rd and Federal:

    Audra, Officer Odell, and the Shagman are out here with warm smiles. #operationfreebird

    12. *Rolls up windows*

    13. June through August:

    14. The workout from hell:

    15. What's pizza without honey?

    16. BEST. WEEK. EVER:

    17. K GOOD LUCK!

    18. The only man you can trust:

    19. And the only woman:

    20. The bruises:

    21. And the headaches:

    22. Completely disregarding the smell:

    23. Because of all the bargains spelled backwards:

    24. And how you know Mother Nature is a Broncos fan: