17 Times Mustard People Went Too Far

    Must you commit these food crimes?

    1. Because they've ruined strawberries:

    2. Because they have no moral compass:

    3. Because they've drowned buns:

    4. Because they've replaced water with it:

    5. Because they've turned it into dessert:

    6. Because they've targeted carnival food:

    7. Because of this poor broccoli who had no say:

    8. Because they take EVERYTHING too far:

    9. Because of this HORRIFYING concoction:

    10. Because of this suffering lunch tray:

    11. Because they're putting it on their faces:

    12. Because of this drenched meal:

    13. Because they've made already disgusting things MORE disgusting:

    14. Because they're brainwashing our children:

    15. Because who wants to pee near this?

    16. Because even our donuts aren't safe:

    17. But most importantly, mustard people need to be stopped because YOU DON'T DO THIS TO BREAD:

    End Mustard 2016 🇺🇸