19 Excruciating Moments Only Mormons Will Understand

    Latter day struggles.

    1. When you're about to eat breakfast and realize it's fast Sunday.

    2. When church is over and you just want to leave but your mom keeps talking to sisters.

    3. When it's a new year and your meeting time is moved from 12 p.m. to 9 a.m.

    4. When you go to a fireside and there AREN'T ANY REFRESHMENTS.

    5. When you finish giving a presentation at work or school and accidentally end it with "In the name of Jesus Christ, amen."

    6. When a ward split shuffles you and all your friends into different wards.

    7. When church is finally over on fast Sunday and you can't suppress your hunger anymore.

    8. When you find out your new calling is in the nursery.

    9. When someone bares their whole life story during fast and testimony meeting.

    10. When a nervous priest keeps messing up the sacrament prayer and has to start over and over again.

    11. When you randomly develop a coughing attack during the sacrament.

    12. When the alarm for seminary goes off even though it feels like you JUST WENT TO BED.

    13. When your friend volunteers you for closing prayer.

    14. When you have to sit on the metal chairs in the back for ALL OF sacrament meeting because you were running late.

    15. When you find the PERFECT outfit for the stake dance but it's not modest.

    16. When you spot someone cute you've never seen before during sacrament meeting and learn they're just visiting.

    17. When a less-popular hymn is chosen during sacrament meeting and no one really quite knows how to sing to it.

    18. When someone steals your family's go-to bench for sacrament meeting that you sit at EVERY Sunday.

    WAIT. Like this is obviously our bench.

    19. And when you put off your sacrament talk until the last possible minute.