If We Were Actually Honest About Sex

    "Does this sound real?"

    In ~Hollywood~ sex tends to look pretty glamorous. But what would happen if we were honest about what goes down between the sheets?

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    BuzzFeed Video / Via youtube.com

    For starters, let's be real — nightcaps are usually just a polite way of saying you want to get laid.

    And there's a reason why you run to the bathroom before getting busy.

    That mood lighting? Yeah, there's a reason for that, too.

    It's basically impossible to act like a normal human around a hook-up, especially when they're naked.

    If we were honest, we'd double-check to make sure we were putting on a convincing performance.

    And reveal some pretty fucked up things that go through out head during sex.

    Overall, it's safe to say the scene would be way less ~sexual~ and a lot more real.