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We Know If You'd Be Able To Be "The Flash" Or Not Based On These Six Questions

"Run Barry, run!"

BuzzFeed Quiz Party!

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You’re casually walking down the street when the world around you goes into slow motion. What is happening?

A few seconds later, everything’s back to normal. “That was weird,” you think. Then, a sudden bolt of energy runs through you and you're speeding toward a truck. BAM!

You wake up in S.T.A.R. Labs. Caitlin Snow informs you that you’ve been hit with dark matter that transforms you into a speedster. Cool! But not so fast; they need your help! “Hm, how hard could it be?” You think. You face the group and tell them: “let’s do this!”

You start training and the team teaches you how to properly use your powers. They set up a challenge to test you on what you’ve learned. Are you ready?

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