We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    50 Products That'll Make Cleaning A Quick And (Mostly) Painless Process

    The are the best solutions short of having someone else do it for you.

    1. Some Bissell Stomp 'N Go pads capable of lifting whatever nasty stain your pet left you on your new Persian rug. Whether you're picking up slobber, mud, or an "accident" (let's be real — it was just cold and they didn't want to go outside) your fingers don't have to get anywhere near the mess — just throw on a house show, toss the pad on top of the stain, and give it a good ol' stomp. 

    a reviewer holding the pad which is covered in some sort of stain
    a reviewer's carpet with a rectangular clean spot where the pad was used

    Promising review: "It is actually working! I almost cried when I picked up the first pad!! Some genius builder put white carpet in our condo bedrooms. It's now 15 years old so it's definitely not the original white. We knew we were going to get a dog so we didn’t want to replace it right away though. Well, we rescued a dog that was barely potty trained and she did a number on the carpet. Luckily, the smell didn’t linger, but the stain did. We’ve tried numerous products and none of them helped the stain. The stains are now over a year old. We're waiting until after COVID to replace the carpet but I still wanted it to look nice in the meantime. I was skeptical for sure, but holy goodness it’s working!! You can literally see the rectangle where I used (and moved) the first pad!!!! I have a long way to go, but these pads are nothing short of a miracle! I just wish they were bigger because laying them out looks and feels like we’re laying tiles on the floor. Just buy it. You won’t regret it." —Kimmy

    Get a pack of 20 from Amazon for $38.74.

    2. A professional-strength grout cleaner guaranteed to remove years — yes, years — of grime from your home's floors. Turns out, you had white grout all along. Who knew? 🤷‍♀️

    A side-by-side reviewer photo of dirty tile and much cleaner, whiter tile
    reviewer's up close picture of dirty grout next to clean grout

    Promising review: "Bought my home knowing this step would not only satisfy me, but frustrate me. Enter Grout-EEZ — y’all just don’t even think and buy now. The photos speak for themselves and if I’m being honest, I didn’t even wait five minutes like the bottle says, just let it sit a bit and scrubbed away. Can wait to do it a second time all out before sealing. ✔️" —Marya Odell

    Get it from Amazon for $21.95+ (available in two sizes).

    3. A Wet & Forget weekly cleaner you can spritz on your shower walls and tub after you're done cleaning yourself. Leave it on overnight — no scrubbing necessary — and just wash it off the next time you're in the shower!

    Promising review: "Just buy this now and thank me later. I bought a house with an all-glass shower enclosure that looked like it hadn't been cleaned in years. There was so much build up you couldn't see through the glass. Used this stuff just a few times and now glass is soap-scum-free and the shower looks amazing!" —Kristina

    Get it from Amazon for $20.52+ (available in two scents and packs of one or two). 

    4. A tub of The Pink Stuff which can clean anything you throw at it be that tires, pots and pans, stove tops, showers, or your five year old's crayon wall mural. 

    Reviewer using it to clear up hard water stains in tub
    before and after of a yellow le creuset with burnt-on food and then completely clean
    www.amazon.com, Heather Braga / BuzzFeed

    Check it out on TikTok here!

    Here's more from my BuzzFeed shopping colleague Heather Braga:

    "After hearing what incredible things The Pink Stuff can do, I finally ordered it and tried it for myself. Honestly, wow! It really does work wonders. I tried it first on my Le Creuset cast-iron pan (seen above, right) and really was amazed at how just one pass with The Pink Stuff (and a scouring brush) took off almost every stain! I can't wait to try it on literally everything in my home that needs a deep cleaning."

    Promising review: "Found this product on TikTok. I don’t think I’ve ever seen value like I do this product! Literally use it on EVERYTHING!! Kids and teens have dirt, grime, and grease on their walls? ...This will make it look like a new paint job. Baseboards need some love? A pea-size amount of this makes them look brand new. Need a shoe cleaner? PERFECT for sneakers. I could name a million more uses, but I can ASSURE you this is worth every penny. What’s more? You need such LITTLE of this product, it will last a VERY long time. Thank you, TikTok!!!" —Rachel in CLT

    Get it from Amazon for $5.97.

    5. An easy-wring microfiber spin mop if you're just now realizing that you've neglected to give your floors a proper deep clean since you moved into your apartment, ohhhh, six months ago now? 

    Check it out on TikTok here!

    Promising review: "I had had it with my broken basic mop and bucket. I tried to just get a dollar store Swiffer to get us by, but that wasn't cutting it at all. With three boys and a dog that makes his rounds on all the furniture and every exposed corner, I had to do something. After seeing a TikTok where a woman demonstrated this mop to clean her walls, and hearing my boss raving about it, I decided to click the Amazon button. Let me tell you, I HATE cleaning, I HATE mopping, but I LOVE for things to be clean. I was able to mop the entire house TWICE (Because it was that dirty. Please don't judge.) within an hour. A few days later I mopped the entire house again within 10 minutes because they weren't quite as dirty. On another positive note, my boys love the spinner and think it’s a toy! So, every time I get the bucket out my 10-year-old and 4-year-old ask to mop the house because they think it’s fun. MAJOR BONUS!" —Molly

    Get it from Amazon for $34.97

    6. A pouch of foaming garbage disposal cleaner to eliminate the special stank that can only be produced after years of shredding up meat, produce, and whatever that mystery blob was that came out of your long-lost Tupperware.

    The bag which comes with 4.9 ounces of lemon-scented cleaner
    A reviewer's video of them using the cleaner with the caption

    Each pouch of lemon-scented formula gets you four uses. Dump a pack into your disposal (while off at first!), run the water just a bit, and then start it and watch as the blue foam gets to work eliminating odors and loosening up nasties that have been caught down there for who knows how long.

    Promising review: "These are amazing! I was skeptical at first but I followed the directions (which are super easy) and was grossed out and satisfied at the same time to see the gunk that was removed. You put the entire packet down your disposal (I read that twice too) and magic happens in under two minutes! That is what I call powerful and successful cleaning! The scent is super clean and light with a hint of lemon. These will definitely be a cleaning staple for me." —KPITT

    Get it from Amazon for $10.50+ (available in packs of 2, 3, and 12). 

    7. A touchless vacuum you can sweep debris right into. No more song and dance with your dustpan trying to sweep up every last strand of dog fur.

    a reviewer's black and silver touchless vacuum
    the same reviewer showing how much dust and pet fur they picked up with the touchless vacuum

    Promising review: "I love this thing!!!! I have three long-haired dogs and it just sucks up all that hair. I almost did not get it because of a review saying that it got clogged up quick. That is not the case. It compacts the hair and doesn't lose suction. I empty it once a week and I sweep almost every day!" —Christy Sanders

    Get it from Amazon for $129 (available in six colors).

    8. A Conair fabric defuzzer powerful enough to remove pills and matted fibers from your sofa (and even clothes) but gentle enough that no damage is left in its wake. 

    The battery-operated model requires two AA batteries that aren't included, but you can buy some right here!

    Promising review: "OK, I don’t normally rave about things like this. I bought this on a whim in a last attempt to save my favorite duvet cover. The pills had gotten to the point where it was seriously uncomfortable to sleep with them getting all up in my leg space. I thought I was going to have to get a new duvet cover entirely. Along came this lil' baby. Not only is my duvet cover basically brand new, but I have found a new hobby. I’m depilling everything. Sweatshirts, leggings, blankets, socks, anything that looks like it needs some love. It does the job quickly and leaves everything looking fresh. Hi, I’m obsessed. I can’t stop. I should send this back. I’ve started asking if my neighbors need anything depilled. I’m going to buy one of these for everyone in my life. Everyone needs to own this. Take it away from me." —Sydney Jensen

    Get it from Amazon for $12.74+ (available in six colors and rechargeable or battery operated). 

    Wanna know more? Check out our full review of this magical fabric defuzzer

    9. pack of K-Cup cleaning pods that're basically like a full-body tune-up for your coffee maker. Just look at the nasty stuff it flushes out!

    three cups of dirty water that get progressively cleaner with each rinse
    reviewer image of cleaning K-cup placed inside Keurig

    Promising review: "OK, so these cleaner pods are awesome! I didn't know how gross our Keurig was until today. The big mason jar on the left is when I actually ran the cleaner through plus one rinse cycle. The middle one is another rinse cycle and the last one, on the right, is the last one I did. So yes, I would suggest running two or three rinse cycles instead of the recommended one. But it's still an awesome product for the price! I have a 2.0 and I had no issues." —Mads0421

    Get a pack of six from Amazon for $9.95.

    10. A hardworking humidifier-cleaning fish sure to prevent slime buildup in one of the most notoriously hard-to-clean home gadgets. According to one reviewer, it also scratches the same itch as having a real fish, which is a win for some!

    A humidifier with the fish shaped cleaner floating inside
    A customer review photo of the cleaner in their hand

    Promising review: "These fish contain silver in a compound that dissolves slowly. Silver is bacteriostatic, it will not clean up a mess but it will seriously help prevent one unless your water source is not reasonably clean. Affluent Romans kept their water and wine in silver flasks for the same reason." —Robert Ezerman

    Get it from Amazon for $5.28.

    11. A concentrated leather cleaner you can use on ~literally~ anything made from leather. That means your couch, car seats, purses, shoes, jackets, or saddles if your family isn't full of dog or cat people, but horse people. 

    a reviewer's couch cushion half clean and half stained
    a different reviewer's sofa half clean and half dirty

    Promising review: "I don't usually do reviews but this product DEFINITELY deserves one! This is by far the best purchase I have ever made on Amazon. It was easy to mix, easy to use, and years of dirt wiped away almost immediately. I did purchase a small leather brush and a spray bottle, as well. I mixed 2 cups of water with 4 tablespoons of the product in the spray bottle and applied it generously to my couches. I used the brush in a circular motion to bring up all the grime, and then wiped it down with a towel. It worked immediately with little scrubbing. I was able to do two couches, a large chair, and an ottoman in under an hour. The results were phenomenal! I also did 'the dog's couch,' which I thought it was beyond help, but thanks to this product it looks brand new!!" —Michelle Skenandore

    Get it from Amazon for $16.99+ (available in three sizes).

    12. A 20-pack of melamine sponges that may not have a fancy brand name, but clean just as well as their competitors. Simply wet the nonabrasive sponge, wipe down whatever kitchen surface needs some TLC, and then rinse it to use again!

    reviewer's dirty sponge
    reviewer's kitchen floor half dirty, half clean

    Promising review: "I've been a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser fan for a long time. My husband works with metal and works on cars so there is oil, grease, etc. everywhere in our house... and the bathtub is awful. They were the only thing to get rid of it. UNTIL I FOUND THESE! 1 MILLION TIMES BETTER THAN THE MAGIC ERASERS. Hardly have to scrub to get the tub clean now. I've used one for three bathtub cleanings and I'm sure I will get at least five more uses out of it. I'd get maybe 1.5 cleanings from the other brand. I'll never buy another brand again other than these. They will last forever — the package was much bigger than expected for the price. Just buy them... worth it!"Briana M.

    Get a 20-pack from Amazon for $13.95.

    13. Some Goo Gone kitchen degreaser sure to come in clutch when you have an "I NEED TO CLEAN EVERYTHINGGGGG" day and are horrified to see what's been hiding on the walls behind your oven. 

    before reviewer image of a wall covered in oil and grease stains
    the same wall now completely stain free

    Promising review: "Wow! A degreaser that actually works! I love the foam which starts to work immediately on my stove top as well as cookware and other kitchen surfaces." —P. Webb

    Get it from Amazon for $9.32+ (available in three sizes).

    14. A pack of Scotch-Brite stainless steel scrubbers that'll get you a whole lot further than a normal ol' sponge when it comes to scraping off all that black stuff on the bottom of your (uncoated, plz!) pots and pans. 

    model using the scrubber on a steel grill

    Promising reviews: "I’m so mad that I never knew these existed until this week. I’ve been struggling to clean my All Clad cookware and tried all sorts of methods but still no shine! These arrived yesterday and I immediately went in. So I got all pans and used these along with Bar Keeper’s...OMG unbelievable. Not a single stain left. Just the beautiful shiny All Clad as I remember! Buy these now. I know I’ll be reordering." —Joy 

    Get it from Amazon for $2.62+ (available in packs of 3, 16, and 24).

    15. An ~instant~ carpet spot remover you can rely on to get your space back in shape after you accidentally trip holding a whole bowl of queso. (It happens to the best of us.) 

    red salsa all over carpeted stairs
    the same stairs now stain and salsa free

    Promising review: “Love, love, love Folex!! Super easy to use. The bottle does exactly what it says. My chairs were SUPER DIRTY from my 2-1/2-year-old grandson eating and feeding dogs. I couldn’t believe how easy it was and how clean they got after just one use. Mind blown!!” —Carobnty

    Get it from Amazon for $6.65+ (available in multiple sizes and packs up to 12).

    16. A Baseboard Buddy with a 4-foot extendable pole that makes cleaning your baseboards, moldings, ceiling fans, and grates nice and easy on your knees, shoulders, and back. If you're someone who forgets to clean those things until big ol' cobwebs are visible, it's probably a good thing to have on hand. 

    a reviewer showing a dirty baseboard buddy pad
    a before and after of a reviewer's once dusty baseboards

    The kit comes with one Baseboard Buddy and three reusable pads which can be used wet or dry. 

    Promising review: "Buy it NOW. Honestly, I had huge reservations for this thing. Yet another miracle cleaning tool that will break or bend or something. I was so wrong. It was easy to put together and I sprayed it with Mean Green and went to the baseboards. No more kneeling and no broken back. This thing is amazing. It is durable and the pad is super absorbent. I am so happy. I can't wait to do the rest of the house!" —artgirl

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99

    17. A portable paw washer because you'll be damned if your dog tracks muddy prints all over your freshly Swiffered home!

    The nifty gadget comes in multiple sizes that work for pups as small as a miniature dachshund and as large as a golden retriever.

    Promising review: "I have four dogs in NYC. I have to wash their feet after every walk because the streets are so filthy. It would take me about 10 to 15 minutes to clean their paws with a spray bottle and towel. Now, it takes about five minutes. And the towel doesn’t end up filthy. The dirt gets caught in the cup. Plus the dogs seem to like it. The silicone bristles must feel good. A huge thumbs-up!" —Sandra

    Get it from Amazon for $16.81+ (available in three sizes and six colors).

    18. And a ChomChom roller ready to put your regular old lint roller to shame. Forget ripping off sheets till you run out — this collects everything in a neat little compartment you simply empty out.

    before and after of a BuzzFeeder's blue velvet sofa covered in cat fur and then clean
    Jenae Sitzes / BuzzFeed

    Here's more from BuzzFeed Shopping editor Jenae Sitzes (those are her photos above!): 

    "The tens of thousands of 5-star Amazon reviews are reason enough to add the ChomChom to your cart immediately — but let me add my own personal review to the stack. I've been using the ChomChom for quite a while now, but I took the photos above literally just now to show just how quick, easy, and effective this roller is. It took 10 seconds to rid my velvet couch ottoman (yes, velvet...a terrible cat owner choice, I know) of the hair my two gray kitties are constantly leaving everywhere. It takes a bit of practice to get the hang of using this roller — at first, I thought you only brushed down in one direction, and was confused why it wasn't picking up hair. It's important to do a push-and-pull brushing in *both* directions so it actually pulls the hair inside, which does require you to apply a bit of pressure. Afterward, you'll just dump out the hair that's been trapped inside. The ChomChom is best for large flat surfaces like couches and beds."

    Promising review: "I have a long haired German Shepherd aka a 'German Shedder' and two cats so I live with animal fur — nothing I can do about it, or so i THOUGHT. The ChomChom is by far the best way to get rid of animal fur in my opinion. This thing is godlike, it makes fabric look so fresh, works perfectly on my suede couches and leaves that 'soft suede' look on them. It does what it's supposed to do perfectly, and it captures all the hair in an easy-to-clean bin. Works excellent on items like furniture and upholstery/car interior. Items like clothing or curtains need to be held down because of the rolling back and forth motion. I think it would make an AMAZING gift for anyone with pets." —Victor T.

    Get it from Amazon for $25.45.

    19. A vacuum attachment you can use to suck lint out of your dryer because 1) Things are taking wayyyyy too long to dry and 2) This Is Us has given you a *major* fear of house fires. (I know that was from a different appliance but it stands.)

    A reviewer holding a sock and clump of lint they cleaned out of their dryer
    a model using the attachment to remove lint from a dryer

    Promising review: "BUY IT NOW. My dryer is about 9 months old and is used for a small to moderate amount of laundry. For about a month I had noticed more lint on my clothes/sheets and less on the lint trap filter. I use my hand held little dust buster every now and then but not much was coming out. I got this in the mail today and LOOK WHAT IT PULLED OUT! Once again this dryer is only 9 months old! I’ll be using this routinely! Directions are clearly translated from another language but the pictures made it super easy to attach to my vacuum properly." —Nichole Flory

    Get it from Amazon for $11.95 (available in five colors).

    20. A powerful rust remover that can remove stains from just about any surface — think showers, sinks, tubs, toilets, concrete floors, and even colorfast carpets — with zero scrubbing involved.

    reviewer's photo of a rust-stained shower stall
    the shower stall now completely clean and white

    Promising review: "I have tried EVERYTHING (from alphabet lettered products to old fashioned remedies) I had a big stain in my tub that nothing would get rid of....needless to say this was an issue! I wish I would have taken pic of 'before' but truthfully, I didn’t think it was gonna work....SLAP MY FACE!! On the FIRST try the stain was almost gone! I implore anyone out there with problems — which I assume are water turning into rust — TO BUY THIS ITEM!!! Now!!!" —C. Compton

    Get a bottle on Amazon for $6.47.

    21. An ~eco-friendly~ oven scrub with a blend of plant- and mineral-derived purifying and disinfecting ingredients including eucalyptus, lemon, and peppermint oils, pumice stone, and baking soda. 

    someone applying the scrub to a dirty oven door
    before and after of the oven door; left is dirty, right is clean
    Everneat / Etsy

    Everneat is a Fairfield, Connecticut–based all-natural cleaning shop from Claudia and Angelo Zimmermann. Their oven cleaner comes with a professional-grade metallic scrubber you can use to scrub your appliance before wiping it down with a microfiber cloth. 

    Promising review: "Like many I moved into a house with a used oven. Keeping the typical grease and cooking messes at bay over the years has been a challenge, especially because of its placement in the kitchen (up against a wall in a corner). I tried vinegar and baking soda, Dawn dish soap, then fume-free Easy-Off, which, although effective, is more of a hassle to apply and remove (and wasteful, since I have to cover the heating elements with aluminum foil). Saw this product online and liked the non-chemical ingredients, and decided based on the reviews that it was worth a try. It's not cheap, but this is the only thing that got almost all the residue off my oven surfaces. Nice smell and didn't leave any scratches or marks. I highly recommend rinsing thoroughly and drying with a microfiber cloth for best results." —Irish Eyes

    Get it from Everneat on Etsy for $19.99+ (available in a plastic or glass container). 

    22. A Clorox toilet wand with disposable scrubbing pads you can plop into the trash the second you're done cleaning. No more poo particles just sitting around on your toilet brush. 🙅‍♀️

    What's included: One toilet wand, one storage caddy, six original disposable refills, and 10 Rainforest Rush-scented refills.

    Promising review: "I love this little handy tool! I have one in each bathroom. I love that you use the cleaning sponge, then toss in away. Simple and no gross toilet brush sitting around. 😝" —Lisa Johnston

    Get it from Amazon for $11.98+ (available in three starter size packs).

    23. And a pack of Scrubbing Bubbles gel stamps that gradually dissolve with each flush to keep lime scale and toilet rings to a minimum because the less you have to manually scrub your porcelain throne — the better. 

    Model stamping the gel to the inside of a toilet and flushing

    Promising review: "What can I say? This smells great and helps deodorize the water closet. It helps sanitize and keeps the bowl clean after every flush...and I can't be the only one who's satisfied when I click, press, and release the little jewel-looking gel tab onto the inside of a sparkling-clean bowl!" —Gino

    Get a pack of 12 gel stamps and a dispenser from Amazon for $19.99.

    24. A fur-eliminating broom capable of squeegeeing enough fur from your carpet that if magically animated, it would transform into one of Martha Stewart's Chow Chows.

    Promising review: "I have a fairly large silver Persian cat who generates a huge amount of impossible-to-see fur everywhere in the house (sound familiar?). This odd little broom grabs everything, especially the stuff I can’t even see. Takes five minutes, max, to de-fur an 1,800-foot house. Very easy to use and brush everything into the trash bin." —Doug Cox

    Get it from Amazon for $16.99+ (available in six configurations).

    25. A pack of dishwasher tablets because — womp, womp — the appliance that cleans your dishes needs some cleaning of its own.

    A reviewer's before picture which shows their dishwasher with stains and spots
    The reviewer's after photo which shows their dishwasher sparkling clean

    Slip a single tablet in your detergent tray (or in the bottom of the dishwasher if it won't fit in there) and set it to a regular wash cycle. After it's finished, open it up to find limescale, hard water stains, and other mineral buildup completely wiped out.

    Promising review: "Buy these now!! My dishwasher looks brand new after one use. I highly recommend this product." —VSarge

    Get a pack of six from Amazon for $6.98.

    26. Andddd a six-pack of washing machine cleaner tablets so leftover dirt, residue, and musty odors don't affix themselves to your laundry and make it even dirtier than when it went in. 

    a model dropping a cleaning tablet into a washing machine
    a reviewer's washing machine with grime that surfaced after using Affresh

    Promising review: "I was hesitant to order this but it went on sale so I did. It is the only thing that has actually worked. The first time I had to use two since the odor was strong but it did wonders. I’ve run the washer with this for two months now and no odor is coming out. This is one item I will continue to order." —Klove78

    Get it from Amazon for $8.06.

    27. A tub of Scrub Daddy's PowerPaste — a naturally abrasive clay-based cleaning compound that can tackle dirt, lime scale, grease, food residue, soap, and whatever else is plaguing you.

    a model using the cleaning paste on an oven door
    a Scrub Mommy sponge after wiping away grease
    Scrub Daddy

    PS: It comes with a Scrub Mommy so you don't have to purchase a sponge separately.

    Promising review: "We live on the outskirts of town and our water is so hard! This is the only thing that removes those hard water stains without using heavy chemicals! I was previously using The Chemical Bros. Water Spot remover and I had to let it sit and wear gloves! After finding this, no more!" —Marissa Testerman

    Get it from Scrub Daddy for $9.99 or Target for $12.19.

    28. An Oxo Good Grips dish squeegee guaranteed to make dirty dishes a breeze. The flexible silicone tool scrapes away messes and saves you from using excess water, too. Mother Nature thanks you.

    A hand using the squeegee on a plate

    Promising review: "If you have ever had to repair or replace a garbage disposal, then I am sure you have been lectured on basically only allowing crumbs to fall into the disposal. This dish squeegee makes prepping dishes for a dishwasher or sink washing a breeze. I hold the dish over the trash can and after a few swipes, the dish is ready for washing. In comparison to using a paper towel, it saves you money, helps protect the environment, and keeps your fingers free from gunk." —She Who Reads

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99.

    29. A jetted tub cleaner so you're not bathing in the remnants of whatever products the previous homeowner used. (The absolute horror.)

    A reviewer holding up the bottle of cleaner in front of their tub which is filled with bubbles
    The reviewer's after photo which shows the cleaner left their tub in great condition

    Each bottle gets you four cleanings. Just dump it in, fill your tub, run the jets, and it'll flush out soap scum, mold, and whatever other gunk your Whirlpool is harboring.

    Promising review: "BUY IT! Such a great cleaner!! I didn’t have very high expectations for this cleaner, but boy did it do the job! We moved into a house where it looked like the jets had never been cleaned before. Yuck! This product worked wonders for deep cleaning our tub! I went through the process twice for the first time and got nasty gunk both times. Now that the tub has been deep cleaned and looks amazing I’ll keep using this once a week to maintain! This product doesn’t smell bad and is super easy to use! A definite buy!!!" —Michelle

    Get a 16-ounce bottle from Amazon for $17.84.

    30. And — if that's not enough to make it feel like *your* tub and not a hotel tub — a drill brush attachment kit which enables you to blast away dirt and grime with little elbow grease and lots of power-tool-enabled muscle instead. 

    A reviewer's before photo with shows a tub with lots of staining
    The reviewer's after photo of which shows the tub is sparkling white after cleaning

    Each kit comes with three nylon brush attachments that, once attached to a cordless drill, can get to work on your dirtiest sinks, showers, baseboards, and more.

    Promising review: "Allow me to be clear: I am not Susie Homemaker. My house definitely could be best described with the phrase, 'There appears to have been a struggle.' Among the chores around the house that I do, but do not enjoy, I must say showers/tubs rank right at the top of the list. I am short, okay? I have to turn myself upside down and perform feats of yoga my body is not designed, nor in good enough or the right shape for. This kit has been an absolute life-saver. I attach it to a drill and in minutes, my showers and tubs look brand new, scrubbed to a showroom new shine and with a third of the effort required in the past. This cuts my tub/shower/sink cleaning time by about two-thirds, maybe more. I can't get over how easily this scrubs away soap scum and rust stains, all without me having to teakettle myself to do it. Buy this. Do it now." —Sarah Ginter

    Get it from Amazon for $15.29+ (available in six colors).

    31. pack of bottle-cleaning tablets that take your go-to water bottle from nasty to gleaming in just minutes. Idk who needs to hear this, but "rinsing" it with water every day isn't enough. 😔

    Promising review: "I wasn't sure if this was a gimmick or not. Turns out it works really well. I have four metal thermos-like containers that are used to keep tea warm every day. Over time, the tea stained the insides and was very difficult to remove. I added one of these tablets to the container, filled it with hot water, and let it sit for a few hours. When I came back to rinse it out, I was literally amazed at how clean it was. I think it looked cleaner than when they were new. I called my wife over to show her, and she was equally impressed. Awesome product!" —Robert A Moreno II

    Get them from Amazon for $24+ (available in packs of 36 and 78).

    32. A lil' gap-cleaning brush you can use to dig out the crud (dust, pollen, food crumbs) that accumulates around your windowsills and door tracks.

    A model using the blue cleaning brush on a window

    Promising review: "This is an amazing set of brushes. Don't be fooled by the low cost. The brushes are soft and long enough to get into tight spots but firm enough to hold up. They work amazing in those hard-to-clean aluminum window runners and sliding doors. I've used them to clean in enclosed fan blades, refrigerator vents, etc. They wash easily and with a bit of TLC they hold their shape. Always nice to find something so simple and inexpensive that works so well." —CNJ

    Get a pack of two from Amazon for $5.97.

    33. giant lint roller on a stick if no matter how often you sweep/Swiffer/vacuum your house is covered in tumbleweeds of airborne dog fur, dust, and whatever else your AC unit blows in. 

    Model using lint roller on a stick in various spaces

    Promising review: "These work great for pet hair on beds, furniture, pet beds, dog kennels, area rugs, cars, pretty much anything you can think of! My black lab sleeps in my bed that has a white quilt comforter and this makes it super easy to just roll across every morning when making the bed. The sheets are easy to tear off and don’t unravel when rolling." —Ashley D.

    Get it from Amazon for $21.46.

    34. An Angry Mama microwave cleaner that, once filled with water and a dash of vinegar, will steam clean the grimiest of appliances. Hot Pocket grease, butter splatters, and burnt popcorn smells are no match for her.

    A reviewer's before photo which shows their dirty microwave and the cleaner sitting inside
    The reviewer's after photo which shows all the spots are gone and the microwave is clean

    Promising review: "My daughter cooked ramen noodles for three minutes without any water. Needless to say it was burnt and almost caught fire. I have scrubbed the microwave and couldn’t get the horrible smell out to the point it was giving me a headache. After several days I decided to ordered this before buying a new microwave. Got it today and used it and shocked it actually pulled most of the odor out that’s trapped in the upper vent. This $10 item saved me $200 to $400." —Angela D.

    Get it from Amazon for $8.99+ (available in different sizes and packs of one or two).

    35. A tub of heavy-duty cleaning wipes because despite the fact that you have 17 different cleaners under your kitchen sink, it is SO much easier to reach for a one-and-done wipe.

    A model using the cleaning wipes on a stained carpet

    These work on almost any surface: leather, fabric, furniture, hardwood, pans, metal, WHEREVER. And! They'll clean up grease, oil, tar, dirt, ink, lipstick, nail polish, food, and a whole lot more.

    Promising review: "These are awesome! The size of the container is large and so was the quantity I received. The wipes are huge and tough, great for scrubbing! I cleaned my whole house with these and they removed stains I haven't been able to get out for a while. I also tried them on my walls and they did not remove the paint. Also, they smell fantastic: no chemical smell whatsoever. These are a great deal on Amazon, and I will be purchasing them again!" —Suze

    Get a pack of 90 from Amazon for $11.39+ (available in nine sizes/packs).

    36. pair of handy-dandy gloves that'll make doing your dishes just a lil' bit less terrible. The palms and fingers are studded with thick silicone bristles so you can get at grease, baked-on food, and other hard-to-rinse stuff that a regular sponge just can't handle. 

    Promising review: "These gloves have held up SO WELL. They're perfect for dishes and when I’m cleaning/rinsing before putting in the dishwasher. Definitely better than a lot of sponges I’ve tried and they have been very durable! Recommend!!" —Tabitha Collier

    Get them from Amazon for $7.95+ (available in five colors).

    37. A Dawn Powerwash kit to help cut through grease and caked on messes. If your partner/roommate/dishwashing pal has a tendency to let things "soak" overnight, gift them a bottle of the good stuff.

    Someone spraying dishes with the degreasing spray

    What's included: One reusable spray bottle and three refills.

    Promising review: "We received our delivery this morning at 10 and I have already used it to clean the post-smoothie blender, wash the porch floor and pretreat grease stains on a load of spotted T-shirts. This stuff is wonderful!" —desert dweller

    BuzzFeed Shopping editor Elizabeth Lilly says: "I live in an apartment without a dishwasher, and I honestly use that as an excuse to order takeout food instead of cooking. But, as soon as I got my hands on a bottle of this stuff (regular Dawn is my go-to dish soap, BTW), I put it to use on both a saucepan I used to make homemade enchilada sauce *and* the casserole dish I baked those enchiladas, which had a ton of caked-on food. It really does work like I say it does! Like, scary well."

    Get it from Amazon for $16.88.

    38. pack of sulfate-free laundry fizzies that can take the dirtiest socks (think: the ones you ran to the mailbox in because you were SO darn excited about the package that was just delivered) and bring them back to their former glory. 

    before and after of a dirty and then clean sock
    the pack of laundry fizzies
    The Fizz Whiz / Etsy

    The Fizz Whiz is a small business based in Brandon, Florida.

    Promising review: "Washed my clothes and they came out very clean. I put my sneakers in the wash and they were very gross. They came out so clean that they almost looked new. Will buy again, and recommend." —Daniel Law

    Get them from The Fizz Whiz on Etsy for $16+ (available in packs of 1–5).

    39. A pack of pre-moistened screen-cleaning cloths so you can give your TV a little TLC before you sit down and watch some TLC.

    A reviewer's photo of their clean TV
    A reviewer's photo of them holding the XL wipe

    Promising review: "I was skeptical at first because I've tried just about everything to clean my monitors and TV screens and EVERYTHING left streaks. Well, the buck stops here. These wipes are AMAZING! As advertised, they are completely streak free. I don't know how they came up with right formula, but they got it! A+++++++++++++++++++++" —Howard C.

    Get a pack of 10 from Amazon for $9.99.

    40. An all-natural scouring paste sure to make every surface in your home ✨sparkle.✨I'm talking sinks, tubs, stove tops, grout, that annoying crevice between the back of the toilet and the wall — you name it!

    a reviewer photo of a cabinet top covered in a layer of grime and dust and text reading
    a reviewer photo of the same cabinet now clean and text reading
    Danielle Healy / BuzzFeed

    Humble Suds is a small cleaning brand run by two moms — Holli Schuab and Jennifer Parnell — in Evergreen, Colorado. All of their products are made from powerful, plant-based ingredients and packaged with recyclable materials. They recommend applying a tablespoon of their scouring paste to a cloth and then scrubbing in a circular motion. 

    My Shopping team colleague Danielle Healy is a fan (she took the photos above!), saying: 

    "I recently moved into a new apartment, so lately I've been cleaning A LOT. Shortly after moving in, my partner and I went to store something on the top of the kitchen cabinets only to find them caked in a thick layer of grime 🤢. After going at it with regular multipurpose cleaner (with little success) we broke out the scour paste as a last-ditch effort and OH BOY did this miracle product deliver (pics above). If it can handle that grossness, it's going to have no problem with day-to-day messes like soap scum and burnt-on food. Plus, it smells delightful and comes in minimal, low-waste packaging!"

    Get it from Humble Suds on Etsy for $15.95+ (available in two sizes).

    41. handy wine stain remover because your area rug has had quite a few Cabernet encounters and you can only hide so much under the couch and coffee table.

    before of a reviewer's red wine-stained blanket
    after which shows the blanket restored like new

    Good news! It works on stains new and old so don't be discouraged if you come across a spill after the fact.

    Promising review: "If you're a red wine drinker, you must have this around the house. My father is a vintner and we use it ALL the time. It's the only thing that works." —Esotericam

    Get it from Amazon for $9.59.

    42. A biodegradable vegan dish block that can cut through grease and grime all over your home. Use the sudsy, dye- and fragrance-free formula to wash your dishes, spot clean your carpets and laundry, remove adhesive residue, and more. A single bar can last more than a month!

    the vegan dish block packaging next to a scrub brush
    the vegan dish block in a wooden holder
    No Tox Life / Etsy

    No Tox Life is a mother-daughter Etsy shop from Sandee Ferman and Callie Milford. Their Etsy shop currently only sells the vegan dish block, but on their website, you'll also find other vegan bath and home products.

    Promising review: "Transitioning to more sustainable products isn't an easy process, but this Dish Block is so incredible. It's even better than traditional plastic bottled dish soap — very sudsy — a little goes a long way! I use this dish block with with a bamboo bristled brush and bought a bamboo block to put it on." —Daniela Velez

    Get it from No Tox Life on Etsy for $11.98.

    43. A spinning makeup brush cleaner to eliminate caked-on foundation, bronzer, and blush with très minimal effort. Plus, it's a bit like a science experiment, and who doesn't like that?

    reviewer's before photo of a used makeup brush
    reviewer's after photo which shows the brush completely clean and fluffy again

    What's included: one brush spinner brush, two spindles, one spinner bowl, one splash guard ring, eight flexible brush collars, and one collar stand.

    PS: You can use whatever cleanser you like, but I've had really good luck with e.l.f.'s Brush Shampoo (and it doesn't hurt that it's super affordable).

    Promising review: "I had a stack of makeup brushes I hadn’t cleaned in a while because it takes FOREVER to wash them by hand. So, I ordered this hoping it would live up to the hype. It does! I was able to clean most of my brushes with the handle attachments and got them all done in about 40 minutes, whereas it has taken me over an hour in the past. Of course, the 40 minutes includes a learning curve, so it should take even less time next time. Doesn’t require a lot of water (unless you like cleaning up messes, it will spill out if too much is added) or brush cleaner. Brushes came out perfectly clean and ready for use. Great price for the time and manual labor saved!" —L S Brown

    Get it from Amazon for $17.99 (available in two colors).

    44. A tech-cleaning multi-tool with six different brush heads for ridding your iPhone, AirPods, and lightening cables of lint, hair, fluff, dust, oils, and signs of oxidation. That way, you get the most out of your device and don't get conned into buying a new one the second things take longer to charge... 

    before photo of an iPhone port with dirt, hair, and other gunk in it next to an after photo of the port totally clean of all debris
    before photo of an Apple charger coated in dirt next to an after photo of the same charger looking much cleaner

    Promising review: "You know the deal: you’ve got that one cable that works better than the others. Or the white one with the braiding that if you insert just right it usually works. But the cable in the car needs to be inserted with the phone upside down and shoving it in. This kit fixed my 'broken' iPhone 8 charge port, which required all the above superstitious routines to make charge. I’ve tried every cable I have in every problematic scenario and they all just plug in perfectly fine and the phone starts charging immediately." —AK

    Get it from Amazon for $24.95.

    45. A reliable and ultra-versatile bottle of OxiClean because there are few stains it can't contend with. The oxygen-based, water-activated formula eliminates toughhhhh set-in stains on carpets, upholstery, and really anything else for that matter. Forget spending $600 on a brand-new mattress — just get this for $6 instead.

    before of a reviewer's mattress with a large brown stain
    after which shows the stain almost completely eliminated

    Promising review: "I'll let my pictures (above) speak to how amazing this works. I had a stained mattress that I'd been covering with a mattress pad for years. As I was preparing for a move, I decided to give OxiClean a try and see if it could remove the stains that had been there for well over SEVEN YEARS. I honestly don't even know what caused the stains, but OxiClean removed them. I took before, during, and after pictures (after pictures show the outline of water because I took them immediately after rinsing. I honestly can't believe the results. I wish I'd done this sooner!" —Little Greek

    Get it from Amazon for $5.98+ (available in three sizes).

    46. scratchy lil' tool you can use to scrape away fur/lint/ground-in crumbs from your car seats, carpet, clothing, comforter — you name it! 

    car floor with tons of dog fur on it
    clean car floor

    Promising review: "This is like magic. Our van was nasty and covered with hair from a German and Australian Shepherd. Looked brand-new after. Don’t think about just buy it. It will blow your mind." —Dan

    Get it from Amazon for $11.01+ (available in packs of one and two).

    47. A furniture touch-up kit with everything you need to address chips, cracks, dents, holes, and scuffs around your home. This way, you only have to drop $18 on repairing that table leg Sparky chewed on instead of $1,800 for a whole new dining room set up. 

    A reviewer showing a chair leg with multiple scratches in it
    A reviewer showing the same chair leg with no visible scratch marks

    It comes with 12 shades of wood filler and a brush. You can mix the colors in order to match your exact wood shade. 

    Promising review: "This is super easy to use and effective for being so inexpensive! I am very impressed with how this fixed my chairs that my cat scratched up. Instead of spending $100 per new chair, I took a chance with this stuff and I’m so glad I did. You have to figure out what color matches your wood best — my teak chairs actually needed a slightly darker color or else the filler made the wood flat and more so like paint. When I went with the darker color it put the grain effect back on and looked natural." —Sara Petrouskie

    Get a pack of 12 from Amazon for $15.99.

    48. A magnetic algae scraper you can use between deep cleans of your aquarium when you want to clear out stubborn stains and fish goo.

    a reviewer photo of the scraper installed on a fish tank
    a gif of a model using the scraper to clean a fish tank

    Promising review: "Nice and small for our minnow tank. We have some stubborn algae spots that just grasp on the plastic and don’t budge unless I take a nylon pot scraper to it...but that requires emptying the whole tank and 'I ain’t got time fo dat' so little circular motions and this busted right through without getting my hand wet. It’s just scratchy hook-and-loop and it does the job. No scratching of the plastic. And no residue on the outside. I just park it in the corner behind a plant and give it a wipe every few days." —BreezyBreeMurphy33

    Get it from Amazon for $12.76.

    49. A three-pack of scraper tools so you never break another nail or bend another spoon (just me?) trying to scratch unidentified gunk off of your stovetop. 

    a grid of photos showing — from the top left — a model using the scraper to clean gunk off of a stove; opening a soda can; opening a can of tuna; scraping gunk from the side of a hot plate

    Promising review: "I've been using the heck out of these things! Perfect for getting into those tight places you just can't clean properly, or scraping off labels, or any number of things. It's very sturdy and really comes in handy! Glad I purchased these!" —Sue Logsdon

    Get a pack of three from Amazon for $6.99

    50. An ooey-gooey dust remover you can use on keyboards, air conditioners, car vents, and anywhere else crumbs accumulate.

    The lemon-scented biodegradable gel will pick up dirt and dust but won't stick to your fingers. It's basically adult Silly Putty.

    Promising review: "I was skeptical at first; afraid my keyboard would be all gummed up with yellow slime! The opposite happened, though, and it cleaned it as good as new. Got all those dog hairs between the keys! No smell lingering on keyboard or my hands. No sign I even used it except a clean keyboard. Kind of fun to play with. Squeeze it between your fingers! LOL. My next task for it will be those dust return air vents on our heating system and use it on my dusty window blinds. This stuff works and I highly recommend!" —ZZZZZZ

    Get it from Amazon for $6.99.

    You enjoying some coffee after you clean your Keurig for the first time since 2017: