Deborra-Lee Furness Broke Her Silence Amid Her Divorce From Hugh Jackman

    Hugh and Deborra-Lee were married for 27 years before announcing their divorce last year.

    Deborra-Lee Furness opened up about life after her split from Hugh Jackman.

    closeup of the couple dressed up for an event

    Last year, the former couple announced they were divorcing after 27 years and two children together.

    "We have been blessed to share almost three decades together as husband and wife in a wonderful, loving marriage. Our journey now is shifting and we have decided to separate to pursue our individual growth," the pair shared in a statement with People at the time.

    They added that they were entering this new chapter with "gratitude, love, and kindness" and asked for privacy as they navigated "this transition in all of our lives."

    the two walking their dogs while wearing masks

    Now, Deborra-Lee herself has spoken out, sharing how she's feeling about where her life is going.

    closeup of her speaking into a mic

    The Daily Telegraph caught up with her at the premiere of her upcoming film Force of Nature: The Dry 2, where she confessed that when she thinks about the future: “It is kind of exciting."

    “You know what, change, transition, evolution is a little frightening and we are all a bit scared of it, but I think it is probably our greatest gift," she added.

    It seems like Deborra-Lee and Hugh have stayed on great terms, too, with People reporting in October that she had helped him ring in his 55th birthday with his friends and family members in New York City.

    So happy to hear it, and best of luck to them both!