Cole Sprouse's Wildly Oversized Blazer At Paris Fashion Week Has Now Become A Hilarious Meme

    The blazer that launched a thousand jokes, tweets, and memes.

    So, Paris Fashion Week happened last week, with numerous celebrities in attendance, including Sam Smith, Kristen Stewart, and Cole Sprouse.

    Closeup of Cole Sprouse in a suit and tie

    The Riverdale actor attended the Balenciaga show, showcasing their womenswear collection for the upcoming fall and winter seasons. He wore a suit featuring an oversized brown blazer with baggy sleeves and even bigger shoulder pads.

    Cole Sprouse at the Balenciaga show in the oversized suit
    Closeup of Cole Sprouse from the side

    Of course, that went viral and became the subject of many funny internet tweets, jokes, and memes. Here are 10 of the best.

    Warner Bros Records / Twitter: @Across3Horizons
    Cole Sprouse in an oversized blazer

    Twitter: @lcdlia

    Cole Sprouse is ready to lip sync for the crown… I know a ruveal costume when I see one

    — Frank Costa (@feistyfrank) March 3, 2024
    Stephane Cardinale - Corbis/Corbis via Getty Images / Twitter: @feistyfrank

    Twitter: @ratedpaulie
    Tweet expressing the opinion that Cole Sprouse cannot match David Byrne
    David Byrne dancing

    Twitter: @fanciazfhuck
    Text in image: "early 2000s NBA draft suit aesthetic" with Twitter username "@DijahSB - Follow"

    Twitter: @EODHappyCaptain