The Cast Of "Girls" And Their Animal Doppelgangers

    We know you're having major "Girls" withdrawal, even just knowing that it won't be back on this Sunday. To help, here's a list of the main characters of "Girls" and their animal doppelgangers. Let the award show begin!

    The "Hannah" Award Goes to...

    The Hamster

    The "Adam"...

    The Monkey

    The "Marnie" Goes to...

    The Standard Poodle

    Exhibit B for Marni as the Standard Poodle

    View this video on YouTube

    Loves to do covers of songs when she's depressed.

    The "Charlie"...

    The Labrador

    The "Shoshana"...

    The Lovable and High Maintenance Shih-Tzu

    As for the "Ray" Award...

    The Snapper Turtle

    And Finally, the "Jessa" Award Goes to...

    The Lisa Frank Dolphin