I Copied Gwyneth Paltrow's Privileged Lifestyle For A Day And Kind Of Hated It

    I Gooped myself!

    Hi, I'm Chelsea and I consider myself a fairly healthy person (look how seriously I take my hydration!).

    This is where Gwyneth Paltrow, Queen of Ridiculous Lifestyle Blogs, comes in. A lot of people love to hate her.

    I don’t personally hate her ("hate" is not a good look, IMO), but I get why people are bothered by her: A famous person telling people how to live their lives as if everyone were a millionaire is cringeworthy at best.

    For reference, a noteworthy "bang your head against the wall" moment was when she said it was so easy for new moms to fit their workouts in (discounting the fact that most mothers, working or not, do not have personal trainers, nannies, or a gym that will look after their kids while they get those squats in).

    Because she's been everywhere these days recommending the good life, I wanted to put it to the test: How many of these things could I actually do in one day? Could my life improve that fast?

    View this video on YouTube



    The workout

    I start feeling extremely creepy about this experiment.

    Give my dog "child" some coconut oil before taking her to "school"

    Make the $200 smoothie

    Put those good intentions into the stuff that goes on my face

    Take my dog on a longer walk and check emails

    Make lunch and a snack from Gwyneth's new book

    P.S. Did you know this is what a spiralizer does to zucchini? ME NEITHER.

    Cupping Therapy

    Make dinner


    Bath and Goop's face mask

    1. All these glamorous things that beauty blogs tout do not account for any of the pain of getting there, doing the thing, and still having to go back to work. There is privilege in it, of course, but it also doesn't seem to be a worthwhile goal.

    2. Yes, a lot of this stuff is excessive. But I'd probably do some weird shit as a millionaire too. Like travel around the world with all my animals, Noah's ark style.

    3. Obviously I didn't expect my life to change in one day, but I DID expect to feel more glam in a way that would make me feel better overall. But honestly, you can't exfoliate yourself out of your problems, as much as marketing tries to tell you otherwise.

    4.. There is an element of the Goop life that's really worthwhile, and that's the self-care aspect. It doesn't need to be as expensive as Gwyneth Paltrow's recommendations, but there's an underlying message: It IS OK to take a minute for yourself every day. (Or hey, how about starting once a week? Even for five minutes!) There is a certain martyrdom culture in NOT doing that, so I actually think it's cool that Gwyneth endorses self-care, even if her version is extreme.

    Disclaimer: Some products were supplied to BuzzFeed free of charge.