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17 Reasons "Jingle All The Way" Is Truly A Masterpiece

"It's just a doll. It's just a stupid little plastic doll."

1. Arnold Schwarzenegger as a dad in a Christmas movie just isn't something that happens every day.

2. His acting is so amazingly animated.

3. Sinbad is also in it. Enough said.

4. And he gives one of the most iconic movie speeches of all time.

5. The absurd lengths they go just to get a Turbo Man doll are endlessly entertaining.

6. Like, fighting an army of criminal (and karate-trained?) Santas in a sketchy warehouse...

7. ...impersonating a Federal Agent...

8. ...and threatening an innocent, ponytailed radio DJ.

9. Ted is the hilariously shady neighbor who constantly tries and fails to win over Howard's wife.

10. Which leads to possibly the best line in the movie.

11. The things Howard and Myron put this cop through are awful but highly amusing.

12. There's a drunk reindeer.

13. And an unexplained, but amusing hatred for Turbo Man's sidekick, Booster.

14. Howard becoming the real-life Turbo Man and finally getting his hands on that stupid doll is everything.

15. There are some top-notch special effects.

16. There's this victory dance.

17. And Howard revealing himself as Turbo Man, proving he's really a great dad is a precious, magical moment.