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23 Things All Bubble Tea Addicts Have Experienced At Least Once

I've got boba on the brain.

1. Boba is always on your mind.

A drawing of a brain with "milk tea," "boba," "tapioca balls," "boba," and "getting boba" assigned to different parts of the brain

2. Your heart dropped when you heard about the shortage.

BOBA SHORTAGE?? my villain origin story starts now..

Twitter: @notjessicaa_

3. You've definitely messed up once or twice trying to poke the straw through.

i never feel more like a failure when i somehow mess up stabbing the straw into my boba

Twitter: @puddingcatbeans

4. You admit your addiction can get a little out of hand sometimes.

Candice: OMG They have boba candles! Me: That’s cool but we don’t really nee- Candice: -Ok so I bought 4

Twitter: @NotLowen

5. Even though your life might be falling apart, you can always rely on boba to cheer you up.

A dialogue where friend 1 says, "I got engaged," friend 2 says, "I got a promotion," friend 3 says, "I bought a house," and friend 4 says, "I got boba for the fifth time this week"

6. You probably spend way too much money on bubble tea but you don't care.

Velma unmasks a villain in Scooby Doo only to reveal another Velma inside

7. You don't understand people who order drinks with 30% sugar.

A chart showing six tiers from 0% to 101% bubble tea sugar levels with the face smiling optimally at 70-100% levels, but frowning or vomiting at other levels

8. You probably own this lamp (or at least have thought about buying it).

other than my life, this boba lamp might be the best thing my mom has ever given to me

Twitter: @oliviaayyy / Via Twitter

It's $20 from the brand Smoko and they have a whole collection that includes a soap dispenser ($65) and bath mat (which you can join the waitlist for!).

9. Your friends always know you're down for a boba run. Anytime, anywhere.

"Do you want boba?" followed by a check box for yes and yes

10. You are mostly horrified about the boba pizza but also a tiny bit curious.

A pizza topped with tapioca balls and cheese

11. You have strong opinions about whether or not alcoholic should mix with bubble tea.

"Do booze and boba mixed" followed by options for "hell yea" and "hell no"

12. Whenever a new boba spot opens up near you, you're always the first one to know about it.

Four pictures of boba from different brands

13. You (or someone you know) has a pet with one of these names.

Three dogs shown with the names, "Milk Tea," "Tapioca," and "Boba"

14. Anything boba themed instantly catches your eye.

15. There's nothing sadder than mushy tasteless tapioca.

16. Actually never-mind, dropping your cup on the ground is way more tragic.

When you drop your boba on the floor. My heart..... 😭😭😭 at least I had some bagged boba left 😬😑

Twitter: @ClaudioTimis

17. If you're feeling stressed, happy, or meh, boba is always the answer.

Bandaids labelled, "Boba," "naps," "online shopping," "tiger balm," and "Netflix"

18. You've pretended to study a menu, even though you're going to order the same thing you always do.

19. You have a running tier list of brands and have your favorites.

Anthony and I made THE official tierlist of boba shops in San Diego

Twitter: @anrifudicky / Via Twitter

20. You've made boba at home at least once.

21. You've inhaled a pearl accidentally because it was stuck in your straw.

When the tapioca pearls go down a bit too quick 🤣🧋

Twitter: @kia_pardo / Via Twitter

22. You know this is the good shit.

Twitter: @hirokonishimura

It's so expensive but good!

23. The amount of boba you can consume is endless.

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