26 Reasons Luke Is Still The Best Character On "Gilmore Girls"

    TBH Stars Hollow revolves around Luke. (Warning: Contains spoilers for the Gilmore Girls revival)

    1. He is so super proud of Rory.

    2. Like, seriously ridiculously proud.

    3. He makes two main meals for the ever-demanding Gilmore Girls.

    4. He is the only one who makes an effort to appreciate Paul.

    5. And tries his best to get Lorelai through her nightmares.

    6. He helpfully tries fixing things at Richard's funeral.

    7. He is so adorably awkward when he tries to show affection.

    8. But really makes an effort at the funeral to try to comfort Emily.

    9. He runs to rescue the girls and Kirk when the Ooober fails.

    10. He makes the ultimate effort to understand April.

    11. And to support her in everything she does.

    12. He creates the best fake Wi-Fi passwords ever.

    13. And, in typical Luke fashion, never gave Jess the password.

    14. He also has the most hilarious cell phone rules.

    15. He finds Paul Anka’s costumes adorable, even when he’s dressed up as Luke himself.

    16. And he still lies about knowing pop-culture things.

    17. He was super apologetic to the diner owner that Emily was tried to buy out.

    18. Luke donated money to the floaty hut in secret.

    19. And he's very passionate about that hut.

    20. He even volunteers as a lifeguard and fixes the hut.

    21. Even though he has his own diner he runs Lorelai's kitchen on Tuesdays.

    22. He's still a father figure to Jess.

    23. He calls out Lorelai when she’s not being open and honest about their relationship.

    24. He plans the most Luke wedding surprise ever.

    25. He's still strangely romantic.

    26. And of course, he comes out with this beautiful speech, which makes us all fall in love with him.
