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Only Adults Bad At Adulting Will Truly Understand These Jokes

"Adulthood is trying each of the same six passwords that you use for everything."

1. When you thought wrong:

2. When you no longer have any excuses:

3. When you're unnecessarily winded:

4. When you have to hack your own Facebook page:

Adulthood is trying each of the same six passwords that you use for everything and complaining that you're tired.

5. When your parents say, "I told you so":

6. When you let your voicemail do all the work:

Apparently being an adult means googling phone numbers that call you rather than answering them.

7. When you still haven't figured out why your back hurts:

Injuries as a kid: fouled on a layup fell off trampoline pulled muscle running Injuries as an adult: slept wrong sat too long coughed

8. When you're still looking for the manual:

9. When your brain does a much-needed purge:

10. When you have this sad realization:

Adulthood is just clicking this button everyday until you eventually die

11. When this truth hits hard:

12. When your adulthood comes with a five-step plan:

Exciting perks of adulthood: 1. Busy! Busy all the time! What are you even doing? You don't know! 2. Very tired. 3. Some kinda stomach ache??? 4. Definitely sad about something. 5. Bills! Bills all the time! What are you even paying for? You don't know!

13. When you make your own rules:

When I was a kid, I never would have guessed that being an adult and going to bed “whenever I want” would mean 930pm.

14. When you learn to love the little things:

15. When you've been ready for this all your life:

When parents say to kids "go to ur room & think about what you've done" it's really good practice for what you'll do every night as an adult

16. When you have high hopes:

17. When 10 p.m. might as well be 2 a.m.:

18. When you become your parents:

19. When you're more lost than you're willing to admit:

20. When the world is against you:

21. When you take it day by day:

22. When your life becomes scripted:

adulthood is emailing "sorry for the delayed response!" back and forth until one of you dies

23. When your culinary skills "improve":

24. When you gotta rely on your own damn self:

25. When you hope for the best:

True mark of adulthood: instead of your parents scheduling your doctor's appointments, you just avoid going to the doctor & hope u don't die

26. When your goals become more attainable:

Age 15: someday I'm going to own a Ferrari Age 20: maybe I'll get a BMW someday Age 25: I hope someone in a Mercedes hits me in a crosswalk

27. And finally, when there's a silver lining to adulthood: