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    This DIY Head Massager Is So Easy To Make, It Will Give You Chills

    You will squirm and squeak and skidaddle and skeedledeedoop.

    Don't you want to feel like this always?

    You'll need a few things:

    # Old/cheap whisk, $5.22

    # Wire cutters, $7.09

    # Hot glue, $8.99

    # Paper

    1. Use your wire cutters ($7.09) to cut the ends of each loop.

    2. Use the handles of the wire cutter to gently press each wire out to form a gentle slope.

    3. Load up your glue gun and lay a few globs out on a sheet of paper. While still hot, poke the ends of each wire into the glue to form a bead.

    4. Fall in love.

    Who needs humans when you have your head massager.


    Check out the full video here.

    Facebook: video.php

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