18 Things That Happen When Your Best Friend Starts Seeing Someone

    There goes your wingman.

    1. They start to resemble Bigfoot less.

    2. And you notice their bedroom has had a bit of an overhaul.

    "New bedsheets? You expecting someone?"

    3. They start to smell a lot better too.

    4. Then you notice they've stopped ordering extra onion rings with their takeaways.

    5. And on top of that, they're cooking a lot more.

    6. Wondering why your BFF's playlists have taken a turn for the bizarre?

    7. They've been bingeing a lot of classic films too?

    8. But at the same time, turn down your offer for Netflix marathons?

    9. They start reading loads.

    10. Don't forget the switch-up in their fashion game.

    11. These fresh anecdotes they have seem odd, don't they?

    12. Plus they're tired all the time.

    13. Suddenly, they don't like drinking shots anymore.

    14. That's if you can keep them out in the bar long enough in the first place.

    15. And when you do get to see them, they're texting constantly.

    16. But you still can’t seem to get hold of them on weekends.

    17. You just want to tell them you miss them.

    18. And you get a bit hands on when you do get to see them.

    But in the end, if they're happy, so are you.