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August Man

Reinvent the rock aesthetic with the nifty photo-editing tool below!

Captain Marbles 11 years ago

Tanner Tousignant

Tanner Tousignant may be the name of Arnold Schwarzenegger's love child. According to a theory that the unnamed household employee Arnold had an affair with "over a decade ago" is in fact Tammy Tousignant, a woman who used to serve as a stewardess on his private jet. The evidence is a little patchy at the moment, but Gawker has a breakdown of the details. Including the fact that "Tanner" was the name of Arnold's character in Total Recall. I AM NOT HAUSER! [Ed. note: Nor Tanner, apparently. No idea where they got that from.]

Captain Marbles 12 years ago

Hipster Playlist

The hipsters discuss their favorite songs. You probably haven't heard of them.

Captain Marbles 12 years ago

America's Most Unpleasant Lawn Sign

Michael Heick, of Buffalo, New York, is feuding with the Mosque next door to him. He explains his lawn sign as follows: "The place is too close. I don't care what people think. It doesn't matter what people think." (From, via)

Captain Marbles 13 years ago

Angry Mom Vs. Green Day

This was the exchange (between a prudish mother and Green Day singer Billie Joe Armstrong) that inspired the song Reject. Point being (I think): Writing pompous, priggish letters to celebrities is a useful exercise that is unilaterally good for the arts. (Via Letters Of Note)

Captain Marbles 13 years ago

RIP, Metrosexuals

The metrosexual is dead. Long live the hipster! Or, I mean, not. But that's what's happening here. (Via)

Captain Marbles 13 years ago

Xylophone In The Forest

Here's something pretty. It's an intricately designed rube goldberg-esque xylophone that plays Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring in the forest. (Via)

Captain Marbles 13 years ago

Save Sam!

Here's a fun stacking-based physics game featuring a (presumably) lovable alien. Save him by getting him to the star! (The story doesn't really make a ton of sense.)

Captain Marbles 13 years ago