Pop Culture Know-It-Alls, Rejoice: You Can Get Paid For Your Wisdom With BuzzFeed & VersusGame

    BuzzFeed is teaming up with prediction app VersusGame, so now you can actually make money from all that scrolling, er, internet research.

    Do you know everything about Pop Culture and just need somewhere to prove it? Say no more.

    BuzzFeed is teaming up with VersusGame, a prediction app that lets you win money from your pop culture predictions! And don't worry — there's a free option, too, if validation is more your speed.

    Tom Holland holding a puppy, while text reads, "Will Tom Holland be above or below 65 million followers on IG by Sunday, March 27th, 2022?"

    It's pretty simple: Every week BuzzFeed (and lots of other creators on VersusGame) posts questions based on current events.

    Pop culture questions no the app, with "Win" over it.

    You choose the answer you think is correct, decide how many coins you're willing to spend, and if you're right, you win actual coins (that can be withdrawn as cash)!

    Correct answers on the app win money.

    You can play against your IRL (or internet) friends, or wait for another player to match with the opposite opinion as you. If you're right, you get money!

    So what are you waiting for? Put your knowledge to the ultimate test!

    Get the VersusGame app, currently available for iOS or the web, and check out our list of active games and past games here!