22 Little Things Teenage Girls Were Obsessed With Doing In 2004

    Saying "Boo, you whore."

    1. Searching for a boy that would kiss you like Chad Michael Murray kissed Hilary Duff in A Cinderella Story.

    2. Paying to see The Notebook in theaters several times just to witness your favorite scene on the big screen again.

    3. Saying "that's hot" as many times a day as humanly possible.

    4. Trying to learn the ASL version of the song "The Rose."

    5. Calling everyone you knew a whore.

    Literally everyone, and for no reason. You just really liked quoting Mean Girls.

    6. Listening to Jesse McCartney's "Beautiful Soul" on repeat until your fingers felt like they would break off from snapping so many times.

    7. Creating THE ultimate CD playlists for road trips.

    8. Making those playlists illegally on LimeWire.

    9. Setting up TiVo timers so that you wouldn't miss your favorite shows when your mom or dad took over the television set.

    10. Drooling over Stephen and Talan on Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County.

    If you hadn't been rooting for Stephen and L.C., you would have wanted Stephen for yourself.

    11. Rocking an Avril-inspired look, heavy eyeliner and all.

    12. Experimenting with the whole dress-over-jeans look.

    13. Dousing yourself in Britney Spears's Curious perfume.

    14. Texting all your friends to meet you at the nearest Abercrombie & Fitch using your Motorola Razr.

    15. Navigating your way through that newish social media site, Myspace.

    16. Waiting for your crush to sign on to AIM so you could have a ~deep~ conversation about your day.

    17. Giving your mom and dad a headache by blasting Green Day's American Idiot album every time you got in the car.

    Your guilty pleasure. Your parent's worst nightmare.

    18. Spending hours at a mall kiosk trying to find the perfect faceplate, bumpers, and accessories for your cell phone.

    19. Running errands sporting your new velour Juicy Couture Tracksuit.

    20. Ranting to parents, friends, and ANYONE who would listen about how bad McDonald's is for you.

    21. Arguing with your friends about whether or not Janet's "wardrobe malfunction" at the Super Bowl was intentional.

    22. And finally, trying to master Michael Jackson's "Thriller" dance by replaying this scene over and over and over again from 13 Going On 30:


    Oops! The song mentioned in number four is actually titled "The Rose." An earlier version of this post misstated the title.