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    If Your Morning Routine, Well, Sucks, Here Are 25 Things That Might Help

    Because I'm not even close to being a morning person.

    1. A cold brew maker, so you can enjoy an iced coffee the minute you're out of bed. It'll strain your coffee through an extra-fine reusable filter, so you won't end up with grounds in your glass.

    a pitcher of iced coffee on a cutting board

    2. A motivational calendar pad that'll help you start your day in an organized fashion. It's not dated, so you can use it in August, take a three-month hiatus, and come back to it when you need it again (without having wasted any unused pages).

    The calendar pad with a pen and notes on it

    3. A breakfast sandwich maker that'll fry up all of your delicious ingredients at the same time. Say goodbye to using a billion pans and hello to, not one but, two perfect sammies in under five minutes.

    A person making a breakfast sandwich in the breakfast sandwich maker

    4. This clever outdoor outlet that'll extend your wifi connection to your backyard, so you can enjoy the morning sunshine while you sip your coffee and check your emails.

    the smart outlet with two sockets hanging against a wall

    5. This 3-in-1 charging station that'll rid your desk of cluttered devices and tangled cords. It'll make it a heck of a lot easier to make sure all of your devices are charged when you wake up in the morning.

    A phone, airpods case, and apple watch charging together on the charging platform

    6. A set of adhesive light strips that'll seriously upgrade the ambiance in your bedroom. You can pair them with a free app, so you can control them remotely — you'll even have the ability to sync them up with your tunes and time them with your alarm clock.

    7. A pack of reusable Keurig cups that'll let you brew whatever coffee grinds you'd like. Reviewers love that they're a cheaper (and greener) alternative to just buying pre-packaged pods all the time.

    Reusable k-cups on a newspaper next to a cup of coffee

    8. A memory foam knee pillow that'll save you from waking up every morning feeling stiff and achy. It comes with a removable strap so you won't lose your comfortable position in the middle of the night (even if you tend to toss and turn).

    A person lying down with the pillow between her legs

    9. A handheld clothes steamer that'll zap the wrinkles out of your favourite blouse, making it look good as new. Now you'll look (and feel) more put together, even if you're just hangin' at home all day.

    A person holding the handheld steamer while it blows out steam

    10. A vibrant bullet journal, so you can track your goals and make the most of your day. It's gridded with dots to help you create graphs and symmetrical outlines, so you can keep an eye on your progress.

    Two vibrant journals on a desk

    11. A squishy seat cushion, perfect if you commute by bike every morning. It'll save you from an uncomfortable start to your day by keeping your booty protected from your cold, hard saddle.

    The padded bike seat cover

    12. A weekly pill organizer, so you won't have to bust out a billion pill containers every single day for every single dose. Each individual container is divided in two, so you can separate your a.m. doses from your p.m. ones.

    A person holding one of the pill containers in front of the whole pill storage box

    13. A bestselling French press that'll serve up your daily cup of joe in style. It'll strain your coffee through four (!!) reusable filters, so you won't end up with any grounds or muck in your mug.

    The stainless steel french press on a tray with a cup of coffee and a bouquet of daisies

    14. An insulated thermos, so you can sip your coffee during your morning hike. It's big, so you'll definitely be able to share it with your partner.

    A person holding the large Stanely thermos

    15. An anti-slip exercise mat to remind you to take a moment to stretch out before starting your day. It's on the thicker side for comfort, so it'll give your joints the padding they need.

    A person doing downward dog with their dog

    16. And a deck of yoga exercise cards that'll give you a range of poses to practice and learn each morning. Each card has an illustration, description, and a code you can scan to access an online video tutorial of each posture (designed by a certified yoga instructor).

    A person reading the cards, with a few laid out on the floor

    17. A flexible mount, so you can look at your phone while your hands are busy getting yourself ready for the day. Just clip it onto the edge of your vanity or countertop, and ta-da! Multitasking at its finest.

    18. A sunrise alarm clock that'll gently wake you up by tricking your senses into thinking it’s light out, even if you rise before the sun. A crescendo of nature sounds and gradual brightening will replace your phone's jarring ringtone for a less invasive wake-up call.

    the round alarm clock

    19. This self-discovery journal, so you can start your morning with an introspective question, every day for 365 days. Reviewers say it's a great way to reflect — especially if you're someone who wants to journal, but doesn't always get around to it.

    The cover of the self-discovery journal

    20. These hydrating eye masks that'll pump some life back into your under-eye area and prep your skin for whatever the day might bring. Reviewers say these babies help to reduce morning puffiness and get rid of dark circles, too.

    A person holding two pairs of the eye pads

    21. A meal tracker for your dog, so you won't accidentally feed your lil' bud twice when you're tired and groggy in the morning. Plus, you can say goodbye to texting (or hollering across the house) to find out if your partner already did the deed.

    The tracker with days of the week and AM and PM ticks you can switch off beside each day

    22. This rotating caddy that'll keep all of your fave beauty products tidy, so you'll know exactly where your things are when you get ready in the morning.

    A person pulling out one of the shelving trays on the rotating caddy that is holding various beauty products

    23. A pair of drawer dividers to help you see the contents of your drawers in a single glance. It'll make sure you fold your clothes and save future-you from waking up and throwing on a wrinkled T-shirt.

    Neat and tidy drawers

    24. A silicone utensil holder that'll give your ladles and spatulas a designated spot to rest while you're making breakfast. It'll keep saucy drips off your counter for an easier clean up.

    Two cooking utensils resting between two of four notches on the silicone holder

    25. And finally, a silk pillowcase that won't soak up your expensive night cream (like cotton pillowcases tend to do). It'll keep your hair from breaking and frizzing while you sleep, which can help to cut down on styling time when you get ready in the morning.

    a silk pillow case draped over a pillow

    My perception of morning people:

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