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    Geena Davis Predicts Great Things For Women In Film

    Because its about fucking time.

    Geena Davis.

    You know her, you just don't know that you know her.

    This is Geena Davis.

    This is Geena Davis. AKA Feminist Hero.

    Aside from being in some of the most famous movies of all time....

    ...This woman also runs a non-profit organization called The Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media. The institute conducts studies to get the data on how few female characters there are in media made for children 11 & under. The results are shocking.

    For every 1 female speaking character, there are three male speaking characters. Crowd scenes in movies and television, both live-action and animated, are only 17% female.

    Are you shocked yet?? NO??

    Okay try this one on for size: Females in G and PG films wear the same amount of sexually revealing clothing as females in R rated films.

    If that doesn't make your head spin, then I don't know what will at this point.

    Geena very recently published an article where she talks about this exact problem.

    Read the article here. Seriously, click it. Or just click right here if that'll make you happy.

    Please, just read the article. This is a very important issue.

    Women in film seem to be making great strides with the success of The Hunger Games, Frozen, Bridesmaids, etc. But, in reality, the needle has not moved.

    The ratio of male to female characters in movies has been the exact same since... *drumroll*... 1946!

    Now, I know what you're thinking:

    "Clearly, this must be a joke! Tell me you're joking right now!"

    Alas, it is no joke.

    But Geena predicts the needle will move, and quite soon. Seriously read the article here.

    Once she gets the data, she goes directly to content creators in Hollywood...

    She gives them her presentation, and their reaction is pure shock. They have no idea they are leaving out that many female characters, probably due to unconscious bias, and they are eager to make changes.

    They did a survey recently of everyone in the industry who's heard Geena's presentation, and 68 percent said it had changed 2 or more of their projects, and 41 percent said it had impacted 4 or more of their projects.

    Basically, if a movie comes out that seems to do right by women, Geena Davis most likely had something to do with it.

    Because she's that amazing.

    So, stop what you're doing, and take some time to learn more about Geena Davis and her institute...

    Because she's pretty much single-handedly making history.

    Read her article right here, guys.