17 Little Things '90s Kids Used To With Their Best Friend

    Remember when the worst thing that could happen was your mom picking you up from a playdate?

    1. Prank calling frenemies from school and making sure not to answer or letting the machine pick up if they *69'd you back:

    2. Anytime you had sleepovers striving to build the biggest pillow fort you guys could:

    3. Theater hopping on the weekends or during summer break:

    4. Fighting over which Power Ranger you were when playing:

    5. Going on vacation with each other's families:

    6. Ordering the same books during the Scholastic book fair so that you guys could read them together:

    7. Borrowing each other's CDs so that you could make a mixtape...

    8. ...and, of course, also making mixtapes for each other:

    9. Having that one movie you guys would undoubtedly watch together again for the one-millionth time:

    10. Literally not knowing who to talk to during recess and lunch when either of you were home sick:

    11. Begging each other's parents to give you a ride to the mall:

    12. Having arguments over which movie to rent if the two of you went to Blockbuster together:

    13. Wasting an entire disposable camera on photos of the two of you (where there was usually only one or two salvageable photos):

    14. Saving the best Valentine's Day card from the pack for each other:

    15. Making friendship bracelets for each other:

    16. Having a designated meet-up spot in your neighborhood:

    17. And finally, pulling this move whenever either of your parents came to pick you guys up: