25 Super Specific 2000s Things That'll Leave Any Millennial Trying To Remember When The Last Time Was That They Thought About Them

    Shoutout to all the rich kids who had Coach iPod covers that matched their bags and shoes!

    1. VH1's Best Week Ever, which basically recapped every important thing you needed to know that happened that week:

    Best Week Ever logo

    2. Talk Sex with Sue Johanson — which you had to watch with one finger on the remote control in case your parents walked in:

    Sue Johanson sitting at a red desk with a flatscreen TV behind her with the show's logo

    3. The catchy jingles from the Free Credit Report.com commercials:

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    4. Wayne Brady's short-lived daytime talk show:

    A screen grab of Wayne on a billboard from the show's intro

    5. Sharing an iPod with your friend or siblings by giving them one of the headphones:

    Two teenage girls sitting on a bed sharing an iPod

    6. iDogs, which was almost like having a robot dog (even though it was just a speaker):

    A white iDog with rainbow colors on it's face and it's ears up

    7. High-end iPod covers that usually only your rich friends had:

    A Coach logo iPod cover with a hot pink leather interior

    8. And the iPod docks that were built into the wall so music could play all over the house (that your rich friends' parents would have in their houses):

    An iPod touch in a wall duck playing Snoop Dogg

    9. The dreaded moment of answering your home phone at the same time as the answering machine did and realizing that your entire conversation would be recorded:

    10. Mad TV, which was always overshadowed by SNL:

    A publicity shot of the MadTV cast

    11. The Gap's collaboration with Product Red:

    Three T-shirts from Gap's collaboration with Product Red on dress forms

    12. Madonna's M line that she did with H&M:

    13. The Evolution of Dance viral video, which everyone shared through email:

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    14. Celebs doing in-store appearances at Best Buy:

    Paris Hilton posing for photographers in a striped dress inside a Best Buy

    15. And Best Buy gift cards that came in CD jewel cases:

    Best Buy gift cards in CD jewel cases hanging on an end cap

    16. The commercial for the LG Chocolate that used Christina Aguilera's "Candyman" as the jingle:

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    17. "Love Sucks" tees that you thought were so ~edgy~:

    A pink Love Sucks T-shirt hanging on display in the window of a Hot Topic

    18. Tinker Bell mania, but in particular all the very sassy Tink T-shirts Disney put out:

    A purple T-shirt featuring Tinker Bell with the phrase "Mood subject to change without notice!" written beside her

    19. Food Network's Unwrapped, which was like a Wiki TV show about popular food brands:

    Host Marc Summers eating a bowl of cereal in a dinner

    20. Motorola's "Hello Moto!" ringtone:

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    21. Ringtone charts and buying ringtones in general:

    Screen shot of the top six ringtones of 2007

    22. Celebs wearing Kabbalah bracelets:

    Ashton Kutcher at a press conference with a his head on his hand and a red string around his wrist

    23. Steve & Barry's stores, whose prices always felt suspiciously cheap:

    The outside of a Steve & Barry's store

    24. The "quik drop" box at Blockbuster Video stores, which was always the last-minute Hail Mary to avoid getting a late charge:

    A closeup of a quick drop box outside a Blockbuster Video store

    25. And finally, SNL's "Lazy Sunday" video:

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