35 Foods That Will Hit Your Right In The Childhood

    Taste the mem-maker.

    1. Sweet, beautiful Oreo cereal:

    2. Oatmeal...IN DINOSAUR FORM:

    3. Fruit...IN STRING FORM:

    4. Magical cereal:

    5. These mouth-shredders:

    6. All the fun of juice in bar form (not fun: the brain freeze you got while eating it):

    7. Sugary-sweet French toast in your cereal bowl:

    8. Brownies from outer space:

    9. Yogurt that tasted just like breakfast:

    10. Gummies...IN SHARK FORM:

    11. This oh-so-sweet sugar water that you'd gladly trade your sandwich for:

    And the oh-so-sweet gum that gave you only ~five~ seconds of flavor:

    12. That sweet, chalky taste (and you probably popped a few of these behind your parents' back):

    13. Getting bits of paper in your mouth:

    And getting a hint of wood with every bite:

    14. Tiny M&M's:

    15. Burning the top of your mouth when you popped one of these too soon after taking them out of the oven:

    16. Crunchy, cheesy goodness:

    17. Thinking you'd transform into a piece of fruit each time you ate one:

    18. A bowl full of mini-basketballs:

    19. Like Fritos, but with a twist:

    20. The little pleasure you got when you heard the Kit Kat foil crack:

    21. Witch fingers:

    22. A perfect and delicious combination of pizza and chips:

    23. Second-guessing yourself every step of the way when ordering one of these on a hot day:

    24. Trying to cram the whole thing in your mouth:

    25. Gum dust that got everywhere:

    26. Little superhero lollipops:

    27. Creating art with your oatmeal:

    28. The best way to sneak a soda (well, at least the flavor) into your school lunch:

    29. The love child of a DJ and a soda:

    30. Mutant popcorn:

    And mutant ketchup:

    31. Hoping you'd get a spoonful of the ones filled with frosting:

    32. Slicing your tongue on the red spoon as you tried to get that last bit of ~cheese~:

    33. The snacks you'd steal from your mom's stash:

    34. The greatest chocolate ever was also the greatest cereal ever:

    35. A cereal 65 million years in the making:

    And finally, the ultimate lunch/afternoon snack that ever existed: