65 Very Specific '80s Girls Things That Women Over The Age Of 37 Will Never Forget

    Put on your jellies and get ready for a walk down memory lane.

    1. Being obsessed with Punky Brewster and wanting to dress like her:

    Soleil Moon Frye Season 2

    2. And also totally wanting Punky's Crayola Crayon box of a bedroom (it just was oh-so-cool):

    Punky sitting in her colorful room

    3. Taking a good whiff of your Strawberry Shortcake doll whenever you played with her 'cause she smelled like sugary strawberry candy:

    Old-school Strawberry Shortcake doll against a hot pink background

    4. And taking a good whiff of your My Little Ponies whenever you played with them 'cause they had such an addictive plasticky smell:

    Peachy My Little Pony against a white background

    5. Owning either the ballerina jewelry box...

    White jewelry box with blue lining interior and a dancing ballerina

    6. ...or one that looked like this (that also doubled as a Barbie dresser during playtime):

    White dresser-style jewelry box with a glass door on the side

    7. Wanting a Lite Brite because of the magical commercial for it:

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    Retropond/ Milton Bradley/ youtube.com

    8. Playing your favorite tapes on this exact player:

    Salmon pink Sharp cassette player

    9. Thinking Pocket Rockers were soooooo futuristic and immediately wanting one:

    Remember Pocket Rockers mini cassettes from the 80s? I miss my Tiffany tape: http://t.co/tfdFhu2BjV #childofthe80s

    Twitter: @designsponge

    10. Thinking, even though she was the villain, that Bianca Dupree was the best character on Beverly Hills Teens (which also had one of the best intros of any '80s cartoon):

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    DirRudy/ Access Syndication/ youtube.com

    11. Owning a bunch of Smurfs...

    A pile of Smurfs

    12. ...and Care Bears PVC figures that you had no idea where they came from:

    Five Care Bear PVC figures on a table

    13. Not being able to resist flicking your stretchy elastic bracelets (which could hurt if you stretched them far enough back) whenever you wore them:

    Stretchy pastel-colored star bracelet

    14. And feeling cool whenever you wore these bracelets (even if they were hard plastic and not very comfortable):

    five different pastel-colored heart-shaped bracelets

    15. Being jealous of that one friend who had a fancy metal daybed (which was usually adorned with Laura Ashley-looking bed linens):

    Striped Laura Ashley bedding on a metal-framed bed

    16. Owning a bunch of Care Bears books — even if you weren't into Care Bears:

    Five Care Bears books fanned out

    17. Knowing that Small Wonder was a budget-looking and weird kids' TV show even for the time:

    Jamie lighting a cigarette for Vicki to smoke as Reggie looks on and they sit on the bed

    18. Owning a Rainbow Brite doll that had seen better days — she was covered in crayon marks and missing her outfit:

    Close-up of Rainbow Brite with crayon on her face

    19. Loving Cyndi Lauper not just because of her great music, but also because she seemed like a cartoon character come to life:

    Cyndi Lauper sporting bright red hair and colorful clothing at the American Music Awards

    20. Having one of these frame-tray puzzles that always smelled like old grocery store paper bags:

    a Pound Puppies frame-tray puzzle

    21. And having several of these Sticker Fun books that had stickers you had to lick and tasted really gross. Also, how they dried all wrinkly and never stuck right in the book:

    A Garfield sticker fun book

    22. Taking a Flintstone Vitamin every morning — and low-key popping a few behind your parents' back throughout the day 'cause they tasted like candy:

    Flintstones Vitamins opened up and spilled on table

    23. Also having the "We are Flintstones kids / 10 million strong and grooooowing" jingle in your head any time you had a vitamin:

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    Internet Lurker/ Bayer/ youtube.com

    24. Riding around on a bike that had that one huge banana seat:

    Rainbow Brite bicycle

    25. Getting Aqua Net sprayed all over your face whenever you wanted hair styled for something fancy:

    80’s Women’s Item of the Day: Aqua Net Hair Spray #AquaNet #HairSpray #Hair #BigHair #Women #Girls #Curls #Perms #Tease #80sThen80sNow #1980s #80s

    Twitter: @80sthen80snow

    26. Putting a BIG bow in your hair if you wanted to look extra fancy:

    27. Running straight to the Barbie section — which was just a sea of pink — first whenever you went to Toys "R" Us:

    late '80s photo of Barbie section at Toys "R" Us

    28. And, of course, aside from wanting a new doll, begging your parents to get you packs of Barbie clothes 'cause you wanted your Barbies to look stylish:

    A box of Barbie Astro Fashions clothing

    29. Wishing you had a dreamy canopy bed like the one your Barbie doll slept in:

    A little Barbie canopy bed

    30. Carefully organizing your Crayola Crayons in the correct color order in their carrying case:

    A case of Crayons

    31. And organizing all your pencils and erasers in a Hello Kitty pencil box:

    Red Hello Kitty pencil box

    32. Never using the cool erasers that were shaped like lipsticks and were also scented:

    Five different lipstick-shaped erasers

    33. Eating Hawaiian pizza at every single birthday party you went to:

    A full Hawaiian pizza

    34. Being totally convinced that Breyers Viennetta was the fanciest dessert you could eat:

    A screenshot of the Viennetta commercial showing the cake

    35. Reading Beverly Cleary books that came with these covers:

    Three different Beverly Clearly books with '80s covers

    36. Making cut and sew dolls with your mom or grandma:

    Skeeter and Scooter from "The Muppet Babies" patterns

    37. Having an afghan that your grandmother made for you (which were always in some very '70s colors):

    Green, pink, and white knitted blanket

    38. Playing with this Fisher-Price Music Box Record Player whenever you visited your grandma:

    Music Box Record Player with five different-colored plastic records

    39. Holly Hobbie stuff you would always get as gifts from relatives that always left you thinking, Who is this prairie, '70s-looking hippie?

    Holly Hobbie game and colorforms

    40. Being entertained by playing with your Colorforms for like 10 minutes, tops:

    Wuzzles Colorforms play set laid out

    41. And being entertained by playing with your paper dolls for like 10 minutes, tops:

    Jem paper dolls book

    42. Always being scared that these were going to pop off your head and hurt someone:

    Two packages of ponytail holders

    43. And feeling like your plastic barrettes were going to fall off because half the time they would:

    Over a dozen different-colored barrettes

    44. Always struggling to pull the red string right in order to open a Band-Aid:

    45. Wanting to try on Lee Press-On Nails because the commercials made them so easy and glamorous:

    A blurry photo of a box of Lee Press-On Nails

    46. Being a little creeped out by the faces on these cookies:

    Screenshot of Giggles cookies from the commercial

    47. Getting excited whenever you found Handi-Snacks in your lunchbox (even if the red spatula thing sometimes almost sliced your tongue):

    Screenshot of Kraft Handi-Snacks box from the commercial

    48. Creating true masterpieces with a Magna Doodle (well, until it stopped being able to fully erase):

    Magna Doodle box with kid drawing an elephant on the cover of it

    49. Having to be careful if you had long hair whenever you sat in one of these chairs in elementary school, or else your hairs would get stuck on the screws and be yanked out when you stood up:

    50. Having to be very careful and wait to handle your Shrinky Dinks after taking them out of the oven, or else you might burn yourself:

    Popple Shrinky Dinks set

    51. Making crazy bracelets with pop and snap beads:

    A pile of multiply color snap beads

    52. Wanting or having a Cabbage Patch doll whether you really wanted one or not — everyone had one, and you had to have one:

    A photo of a group of Cabbage Patch dolls

    53. Thinking these were the best Happy Meal Toys ever made:

    Muppet Babies Happy Meal Toys

    54. Having several of these cups in your family's kitchen:

    Disney Welch's Jelly Glass

    55. Having a Makit Bakit Suncatcher hanging on your bedroom window that you loved to stare at on sunny days:

    Strawberry Shortcake Makit Bakit Suncatcher

    56. Totally wanting to kick ass like Cheetara on ThunderCats...

    Cheetra holding her staff, ready to fight

    57. ...and She-Ra on She-Ra: Princess of Power:

    She-Ra riding Swift Wind

    58. Cuddling with your Pound Puppy — which had the most adorable face:

    Two Pound Puppies stuffed animals

    59. Crawling all over and touching this carpet at Chuck E. Cheese and never even thinking about how gross and dirty it probably was:

    Green Chuck E. Cheese carpet

    60. Feeling oh-so-sophisticated whenever your parents allowed you to take a sip of their General Foods International Coffee:

    Screenshot of a hand holding Suisse Mocha flavored coffee

    61. Playing with this air freshener 'cause it was fanciful and looked like something straight out of The Smurfs:

    Purple AirWick mushroom-shaped air freshener

    62. Debating whether or not to remove the sticker part from a Garbage Pail Kids card:

    Nine different Garbage Pail Kids cards laid out on table

    63. And debating whether or not to put your Sandylion stickers into your sticker book or just leave them on the sheet:

    Six different white paper squares holding various stickers each

    64. Wearing your white Keds until they had a hole or were just super filthy:

    A pair of white canvas Keds

    65. And lastly, being completely enthralled by everything about Jem and the Holograms:

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