18 Pictures That Won’t Make Sense Unless You Use Snapchat

    "Oops, didn't mean to tap on that person's Story!" —You every day

    1. When you realize you're the last person on Earth to find out that a new filter was released:

    2. When you don’t realize you have your Snapchat on front-facing mode and are shocked by the face looking back at you:

    3. When you feel super special 'cause your crush sent you a snap, but you quickly realize it was sent to EVERYONE:

    4. When you tap down too many times to skip through a story and accidentally end up opening up another story:

    5. When your thirst trap fails to accomplish its mission in less than 24 hours:

    6. When you get really excited to see that you got a new snap, only to find out it's from Snapchat:

    7. When you thought you were being cool and witty, but hear nothing back:

    8. When you pick up your now-deleted conversation with your BFF, but have no idea what it was even about:

    9. When your snap looks like a beautiful masterpiece worthy of hanging in The Louvre:

    10. When all you can do is cringe while looking at your snapstory from your night out:

    11. When you can't even figure out how to add emojis, but your friends are creating works of art on their snaps:

    12. When you struggling to get one acceptable selfie to put on your story:

    13. When a family member adds you as a friend and you have to rethink what you put on your story:

    14. When you contemplate taking a snap, but just end up carefully studying your face and best Snap angles:

    15. When you're NOT feeling your look, but your friends decide to document your entire night out together:

    16. When you basically spend 20 minutes trying to to figure out how a filter even works:

    17. When you click on your friends story, but it's longer than Titanic:

    18. And finally, when you thought you sent that ~funny~, way-too-real snap to your friend, but you actually accidentally sent it to your crush: