40 Things That'll Take You Back To A Time When You Had No Worries

    Honestly, is there a way we could all just go back?!

    1. Entire little worlds on every page:

    2. The greatest Batman adaptation ever:


    4. The original Tinder:

    5. The first car you ever wanted:

    6. The only map you'll ever need:

    7. Candy hidden as a "healthy" treat:

    8. The perfect afternoon snack:

    9. The most adorable ragtag team of animals (ever):

    10. A pixelated little blob (that took up too much of your time):

    11. The original YouTube:

    12. Literally the most frustrating books:

    13. The best sports film of all time:

    14. Knowing the best movies came in clamshells:

    15. Eating your Happy Meal while waiting to play with this:

    16. A magical way to escape into another world:

    17. Oatmeal...

    18. ...and chicken nuggets...IN DINOSAUR FORM:

    19. Fruit...IN STRING FORM:

    20. Gummies...IN SHARK FORM:

    21. This box full of endless possibilities for creating masterpieces:

    22. And this computer program for creating a masterpiece:

    23. A game you played basically in under a minute:

    24. The reason you wanted to learn French:

    25. A design aesthetic you wanted for your entire room:

    26. The most intense TV commercial ever:

    27. The best way to pass the time on a long car drive:

    28. An entire world in your pocket:

    29. Playing with these more than actually reading them:

    30. Markers you sniffed more than you actually used them:

    31. These literary classics:

    32. A villain you low-key rooted for:

    33. The perfect screensaver:

    34. The greatest movie tie-in product ever:

    35. The hardest mountain you'll ever climb:

    36. A Stone Age frozen treat:

    37. The stickiest high-five you'll ever get:

    38. Ads you actually wanted to see:

    39. The loudest voice ever:

    40. And finally, the best place to celebrate a birthday: