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36 Things That'll Make Everyone Born Before 1994 Say "Shit, What A Different Time"

Everything used to be simpler, but also way more complicated.

1. You'd make your parents buy you an entire box cereal just for the toy inside...

2. ...when you would pour out your cereal and find a surprise...

3. ...when you'd settle all your disputes with your friends with Rock, Paper, Scissors...

4. ...when you'd pull, like, 18 coupons from the machine at the supermarket, and then hand them to your mom..

5. ...when you'd go down a metal slide on a hot day, even though you knew it was going to BURN like hell...

6. ...when you'd go down this slide and get static shock...

7. ...when everyone's TVs looked like this...

8. ..when seeing one of these TVs meant the day was going to be great...

9. ...when you'd look forward to Fridays 'cause it was pizza day at school...

10. ...when you'd look forward to Saturday nights because it meant you could watch Nickelodeon's epic lineup...

11. ...when you'd lose your mind because there was a TV crossover episode...

12. ...when you thought these were the best hiding spots in the world...

13. ...when you'd go to your grandma's and she'd pour you a glass of lemonade from a pitcher that gave everything a plasticky flavor...

14. ...when you'd really amuse yourself by singing into a fan...

15. ...when you'd play this game even though you had no idea how to actually play it so you'd just press random buttons and pray...

16. ...when Friday nights were for wandering aimlessly around Blockbuster...

17. ...when you'd play with your empty Capri Sun pouch by blowing air into it, and move it up and down with the straw...

18. ...when you'd try to press down all the colors at once whenever you held one of these pens, even though you knew it would never release all the colors at once...

19. ...when you'd have more fun setting up a game than actually playing it...

20. ...when you'd enjoy getting these stuck in your teeth...

21. ...when you'd get upset if you didn't get the future you wanted while playing MASH...

22. ...when going to grandma's meant watching shows on this beast...

23. ...when you'd stick your finger into the pay phone coin return slot in hopes of finding a quarter...

24. ...when this was your idea of "fancy bedding"....

25. ...when you'd low-key play with your food by trying to get the macaroni onto the ends of your fork...

26. ...when book fair week was the best week...

27. ...when Levar Burton's voice was the most soothing voice...

28. ...when this was the ultimate CD...

29. ...when it took eight discs to play one video game...

30. ...when it took four clicks to play Solitaire...

31. ...when your Christmas list came from this catalog...

32. ...when this was being online..

33. ...when you swore you were psychic when you turned to the TV Guide channel when it was just beginning at channel one...

34. ...when everyone knew this trick...

35. ...when the most exciting part about getting a new textbook was looking at the back to see who else had it...

36. ...and when, for some reason, you would destroy erasers as entertainment because there was literally nothing better to do.